RatingBuster converts combat ratings in your tooltips into percentages, so that you have more meaningful information when comparing different items.
The design aim of RatingBuster is to provide detailed, meaningful and customizable information about items so you can easily decide for yourself which item is better.
Originally written by Whitetooth (https://github.com/hotdogee)
Available for download at:
CurseForge | WoWInterface | Wago Addons | WowUp | GitHub Releases
Rating Conversion:
- Converts combat ratings into percentages.
Stat Breakdown:
- Breakdown Strength, Agility, Stamina, Intellect and Spirit into base stats.
- Supports talents, buffs and racials that give you extra bonuses.
- Ex talent: Lunar Guidance - "Increases your spell damage and healing by 8%/16%/25% of your total Intellect."
- Ex talent: Heart of the Wild - "Increases your Intellect by 4%/8%/12%/16%/20%. In addition, ......etc"
- Ex: +13 Intellect (+234 Mana, +0.18% Spell Crit, +3.9 Dmg)
Stat Summary:
- Summarizes all the stats from the item itself, enchants and gems, converts them to base stats and displays the total value and/or difference from your current equipped item.
- Ex: Crit Chance - Adds up agility and crit rating from the item, enchant and gem. Converts agility and crit rating to crit chance, and displays the total in a single value.
Item Level and Item ID:
- Item Level is obtained from the WoW API, not a calculated value.
- Item ID is useful for advanced users.
Supports talents, buffs and racials that modify your stats for all classes.
Fully customizable, decide what you need to see and what you don't want.
- You can set the default gems for each type of empty socket using "/rb sum gem <red|yellow|blue|meta> <ItemID|Link>" or using the options window.
- To specify the gem of your choice, you will need to give RatingBuster the ItemLink or the ItemID of the gem.
- ItemLink example: type "/rb sum gem blue " (last char is a space) and link the gem (from your bags, AH, ItemSync or whatever), then press .
- What if you can't link the gem? Well thats what ItemID is for. Find your gem on http://www.wowhead.com/ and look at the URL, for example "http://www.wowhead.com/?item=32193", 32193 is the ItemID for that gem. Go back in wow, type "/rb sum gem red 32193" and press .
Note1: If you have "/rb sum ignore gem" on, the auto fill gems won't work. Note2: Meta gem conditions and SetBonuses work, so if you don't meet the conditions, StatSummary won't count them. Note3: RatingBuster will only auto fill empty sockets, if the item already has some gems on it, it will remain. Note4: Empty sockets filled by RatingBuster will keep the "Empty Socket Icon" so you can still easily tell what color socket it is. Note5: Gem text filled by RatingBuster will be shown in gray color to differentiate from real gems.
EquipCompare, EQCompare, tekKompare. LinkWrangler, MultiTips, Links. AtlasLoot, ItemMagic, Sniff.
will work with all bag mods too!
Type /rb
or /ratingbuster
to open the options menu GUI, or add a slash command:
- Show help messageshowItemID
- Show the ItemID in tooltipsshowItemLevel
- Show the ItemLevel in tooltipsrating
- Options for Rating displayshowRatings
- Show Rating conversions in tooltipsdetailedConversionText
- Show detailed text for Resilience and Expertise conversionsdefBreakDown
- Convert Defense into Crit Avoidance, Hit Avoidance, Dodge, Parry and BlockwpnBreakDown
- Convert Weapon Skill into Crit, Hit, Dodge Neglect, Parry Neglect and Block NeglectexpBreakDown
- Convert Expertise into Dodge Neglect and Parry Neglectcolor
- Changes the color of added textpick
- Pick a colorenableTextColor
- Enable colored text
- Changes the display of base statsshowStats
- Show base stat conversions in tooltipsstr
- Changes the display of StrengthshowAPFromStr
- Show Attack Power from StrengthshowBlockValueFromStr
- Show Block Value from Strength
- Changes the display of AgilityshowCritFromAgi
- Show Crit chance from AgilityshowDodgeFromAgi
- Show Dodge chance from AgilityshowAPFromAgi
- Show Attack Power from AgilityshowRAPFromAgi
- Show Ranged Attack Power from AgilityshowArmorFromAgi
- Show Armor from Agility
- Changes the display of StaminashowHealthFromSta
- Show Health from Stamina
- Changes the display of IntellectshowSpellCritFromInt
- Show Spell Crit chance from IntellectshowManaFromInt
- Show Mana from IntellectshowManaRegenFromInt
- Show Mana Regen Intellect
- Changes the display of SpiritshowManaRegenFromSpi
- Show Mana Regen from SpiritshowHP5FromSpi
- Show Health Regen from Spirit
- Options for stat summaryshowSum
- Show stat summary in tooltipsignore
- Ignore stuff when calculating the stat summarysumIgnoreUnused
- Show stat summary only for highest level armor type and items you can use with uncommon quality and upsumIgnoreEquipped
- Hide stat summary for equipped itemssumIgnoreEnchant
- Ignore enchants on items when calculating the stat summarysumIgnoreGems
- Ignore gems on items when calculating the stat summary
- Display diff values in the main tooltip or only in compare tooltips values"comp", "main"}space
- Add a empty line before or after stat summarysumBlankLine
- Add a empty line before stat summarysumBlankLineAfter
- Add a empty line after stat summary
- Show the sigma icon before stat summarysumShowTitle
- Show the title text before stat summaryshowZeroValueStat
- Show zero value stats in summary for consistancycalcSum
- Calculate the total stats for the itemcalcDiff
- Calculate the stat difference for the item and equipped itemssumSortAlpha
- Enable to sort StatSummary alphabetically, disable to sort according to stat type(basic, physical, spell, tank)sumAvoidWithBlock
- Enable to include block chance in Avoidance summary, Disable for only dodge, parry, missbasic
- Choose basic stats for summarysumHP
- Health <- Health, StaminasumMP
- Mana <- Mana, IntellectsumManaRegen
- Mana RegensumManaRegenNotCasting
- Mana Regen while not castingsumManaRegenOutOfCombat
- Mana Regen while out of combatsumHP5
- Health Regen <- Health RegensumHP5OC
- Health Regen when out of combat <- SpiritsumStr
- Strength SummarysumAgi
- Agility SummarysumSta
- Stamina SummarysumInt
- Intellect SummarysumSpi
- Spirit Summary
- Choose physical damage stats for summarysumAP
- Attack Power <- Attack Power, Strength, AgilitysumRAP
- Ranged Attack Power <- Ranged Attack Power, Intellect, Attack Power, Strength, AgilitysumFAP
- Feral Attack Power <- Feral Attack Power, Attack Power, Strength, AgilitysumHit
- Hit Chance <- Hit Rating, Weapon Skill RatingsumHitRating
- Hit Rating SummarysumCrit
- Crit Chance <- Crit Rating, Agility, Weapon Skill RatingsumCritRating
- Crit Rating SummarysumHaste
- Haste <- Haste RatingsumHasteRating
- Haste Rating SummarysumDodgeNeglect
- Dodge Neglect <- Expertise, Weapon Skill RatingsumParryNeglect
- Parry Neglect <- Expertise, Weapon Skill RatingsumBlockNeglect
- Block Neglect <- Weapon Skill RatingsumWeaponSkill
- Weapon Skill <- Weapon Skill RatingsumExpertise
- Expertise <- Expertise RatingsumWeaponMaxDamage
- Weapon Max Damage Summaryweapondps
- Weapon DPS SummarysumIgnoreArmor
- Ignore Armor Summary
- Choose spell damage and healing stats for summarysumSpellDmg
- Spell Damage <- Spell Damage, Intellect, Spirit, StaminasumHolyDmg
- Holy Spell Damage <- Holy Spell Damage, Spell Damage, Intellect, SpiritsumArcaneDmg
- Arcane Spell Damage <- Arcane Spell Damage, Spell Damage, IntellectsumFireDmg
- Fire Spell Damage <- Fire Spell Damage, Spell Damage, Intellect, StaminasumNatureDmg
- Nature Spell Damage <- Nature Spell Damage, Spell Damage, IntellectsumFrostDmg
- Frost Spell Damage <- Frost Spell Damage, Spell Damage, IntellectsumShadowDmg
- Shadow Spell Damage <- Shadow Spell Damage, Spell Damage, Intellect, Spirit, StaminasumHealing
- Healing <- Healing, Intellect, Spirit, Agility, StrengthsumSpellHit
- Spell Hit Chance <- Spell Hit RatingsumSpellHitRating
- Spell Hit Rating SummarysumSpellCrit
- Spell Crit Chance <- Spell Crit Rating, IntellectsumSpellCritRating
- Spell Crit Rating SummarysumSpellHaste
- Spell Haste <- Spell Haste RatingsumSpellHasteRating
- Spell Haste Rating SummarysumPenetration
- Spell Penetration Summary
- Choose tank stats for summarysumArmor
- Armor <- Armor from items, Armor from bonuses, Agility, IntellectsumDefense
- Defense <- Defense RatingsumDodge
- Dodge Chance <- Dodge Rating, Agility, Defense RatingsumDodgeRating
- Dodge Rating SummarysumParry
- Parry Chance <- Parry Rating, Defense RatingsumParryRating
- Parry Rating SummarysumBlock
- Block Chance <- Block Rating, Defense RatingsumBlockRating
- Block Rating SummarysumBlockValue
- Block Value <- Block Value, StrengthsumHitAvoid
- Hit Avoidance <- Defense RatingsumCritAvoid
- Crit Avoidance <- Defense Rating, ResiliencesumResilience
- Resilience SummarysumArcaneResist
- Arcane Resistance SummarysumFireResist
- Fire Resistance SummarysumNatureResist
- Nature Resistance SummarysumFrostResist
- Frost Resistance SummarysumShadowResist
- Shadow Resistance SummarysumAvoidance
- Avoidance <- Dodge, Parry, MobMiss, Block(Optional)
- Auto fill empty gem slotssumGemRed
- ItemID or Link of the gem you would like to auto fillsumGemYellow
- ItemID or Link of the gem you would like to auto fillsumGemBlue
- ItemID or Link of the gem you would like to auto fillsumGemMeta
- ItemID or Link of the gem you would like to auto fill