This repository contains my Microsoft Engage 2021 submission on Problem Statement :
Build a functional prototype of a platform that gives students an array of digital academic and social tools to stay engaged with their studies, peers and broader university community during pandemic.
My Submission :
UniApply : Functional prototype of a job portal which can be used by the students and faculty members of the respective university where the Faculties can post on-campus jobs (Eg. Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant) on the portal and the student can directly apply for the job position from the job portal. College grades have also been integrated in this portal as they are usually very helpful in the selection of candidates for these jobs.
Usage : Demo Video
Admin ( Moderator ) Account :
Email :
Password : supersecure
Teacher Account :
Email :
Password : supersecure
Student Account :
Email :
Password : supersecure
The course list and email data used is fetched from media/json/course_data.json and media/json/email_data.json
Try it out!
Link to Web App
Create Anaconda Environment
conda create -n env python=3.7.10
conda activate env
Clone Github Repository
git clone
cd UniApply/
Install Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set database configuration from
Migrate the database and collect the static files
python makemigrations
python migrate
python collectstatic
- Using resume section for Students to find matching jobs for students (using keywords) so that they can be brought on top
- Using further intelligence to recommend related jobs below a certain job to a student