LUXTRONIK Heatpump Controller Interface based on a Websocket (for Heatpumps from alpha-inotec, Novelan, Nibe, Bosch,..) List and calculate most of the values from Luxtronik (this Version has been developedand tested based on software version V3.90.4, not testet with V2.x, does not work with V1.x)
.. a wild mix of german and (in source code) english. (if it is usefull for other users there is no problem to communictate at ISSUES or PULL REQUESTS in english)
- Tibber-Puls Adapter Integration
- SGready (Smart-Grid-Ready Relay-Interface) with Hardware or Tasmota or Shelly Relais
- Shelly HT3 indoor room temperatur sensor via MQTT
- API and visualisation of EPEX-Price Data including local fix costs and tax
- RS485 Modbus integration for DS100 Energy-Meter (needs extra hardware)
- online COP calculation (actual, day and sum)
- some extra calculation for delta temperature values
- use HTTP-Get: '/fetch' and '/fetchmeter' for getting values for home-automation programs
- Add webclient-protocol for temp. +/+ 5Kelvin auto/manual temp. correction based on indoor room temperature (because not possible with WebSocket communication)