Money cheat for "Need For Speed Underground 2" -- allows you to edit/change money within your NFSU2 save file.
Download link:
Just double click the nfsu2-money-cheat.exe
file to launch the program in text user interface.
User will then be asked to select the NFSU2 save file and to specify the money amount that will be
stored within the save file.
To view the curreny money amount stored within your save file:
nfsu2-money-cheat.exe info -f "%LOCALAPPDATA%\NFS Underground 2\MySaveFile"
To edit/change the money amount stored to "50000" within your save file:
nfsu2-money-cheat.exe edit -m 50000 -f "%LOCALAPPDATA%\NFS Underground 2\MySaveFile"
Program can be compiled and executed on any platform supported by the GO language. Tested on Windows and MacOS.
To compile on Windows via PowerShell:
$env:GOARCH=386; go build nfsu2-money-cheat.go; $env:GOARCH=$null
To compile on Windows via CMD.EXE:
set "GOARCH=386" && go build nfsu2-money-cheat.go & set GOARCH=
To compile on Linux/macOS and produce a Win32 binary:
make build-win32
Program licensed under The Unlicense license.