This is the outline for an in-person workshop. Each scene represents a series of activities that accomplish a goal and discover new concepts in Chef.
Each scene is a markdown script (scene file). Each scene will have an accompanying slide deck (etc. pdf, keynote, powerpoint).
Each scene is deliverable. Allowing for the development and refinement of scenes while the others may still need the initial script or slides.
Please refer to the issues to figure out what sections could use your attention.
Write the scene text - If you find a scene text is missing, write an initial outline of the scene. Don't worry someone will come through and clean it up. I promised. Plus it would be fun. You can help shape the words that are said aloud when the training is delivered. What should you use as inspiration? Well if there are slides then use those -- none of those, well then it's fresh snow!
Edit the scene text - I promised a few people that you would edit the scenes. They told me there all these delicious spelling errors and grammatical issues spread all over. Oh yeah - there is one more thing, if there are slides then make sure your major soap box moments get captured as slides.
Writing the speaker notes - If there is more context that could be useful to instructors but it probably doesn't apply to classes universally, add it to the speaker notes. These notes are useful for providing pre-canned examples of additional context, communicating meta-narrative to other instructors, or other things that might fit into an instructor's guide. The speaker notes are a deeper dive into things that may not fit neatly the scene text.
Writing the scene slides - If the slides aren't there then welcome to exciting world of Powerpoint. Hey if you don't have Powerpoint but have a great idea for slides -- do it anyways, because great content is great content.
Edit the scene slides - I can't tell you the joy comes from reading the scene text and then looking over the slides. You see all the missing holes and that one little area that could use a little of your pixie dust. Remember slide decks only get better with a little love.
01 Chef Fundamentals
02 Getting a Workstation
03 Resources
04 Cookbooks
05 chef-client
06 Testing Cookbooks
07 Attributes
08 Separating Policy and Data
09 Workstation Installation
10 Connecting To Chef Server
11 Community Cookbooks
12 Managing Multiple Nodes
13 Roles
14 Search
15 Environments
16 Wrap Up
17 Further Resources
View the recordings (audio/video) of select sections to help deliver the content