- Provide the same packet processing capabilities as wireshark for Go
- Support offline or online parsing of data packets
- Based on wireshark、libpcap dynamic link library
- glib-2.0
# install glib-2.0
sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev -y
go get "github.com/randolphcyg/gowireshark"
how to test:
go test -v -run TestDissectPrintAllFrame
- Dissect all frame of a pcap file
package main
import (
func main() {
inputFilepath := "pcaps/mysql.pcapng"
frames, err := gowireshark.GetAllFrames(inputFilepath,
if err != nil {
for _, frame := range frames {
fmt.Println("# Frame index:", frame.BaseLayers.WsCol.Num, "===========================")
if frame.BaseLayers.Ip != nil {
fmt.Println("## ip.src:", frame.BaseLayers.Ip.Src)
fmt.Println("## ip.dst:", frame.BaseLayers.Ip.Dst)
if frame.BaseLayers.Http != nil {
fmt.Println("## http.request.uri:", frame.BaseLayers.Http.RequestUri)
if frame.BaseLayers.Dns != nil {
fmt.Println("## dns:", frame.BaseLayers.Dns)
- parse custom protocol
package main
import (
type MySQLCapsTree struct {
CD string `json:"mysql.caps.cd"` // Capability: CLIENT_DEPRECATED
CP string `json:"mysql.caps.cp"` // Capability: CLIENT_PROTOCOL
CU string `json:"mysql.caps.cu"` // Capability: CLIENT_USER
FR string `json:"mysql.caps.fr"` // Capability: CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS
IA string `json:"mysql.caps.ia"` // Capability: CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE
II string `json:"mysql.caps.ii"` // Capability: CLIENT_INTERACTIVE
IS string `json:"mysql.caps.is"` // Capability: CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE
LF string `json:"mysql.caps.lf"` // Capability: CLIENT_LONG_FLAG
LI string `json:"mysql.caps.li"` // Capability: CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD
LP string `json:"mysql.caps.lp"` // Capability: CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES
NS string `json:"mysql.caps.ns"` // Capability: CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA
OB string `json:"mysql.caps.ob"` // Capability: CLIENT_ODBC
RS string `json:"mysql.caps.rs"` // Capability: CLIENT_RESERVED
SC string `json:"mysql.caps.sc"` // Capability: CLIENT_SSL_COMPRESS
SL string `json:"mysql.caps.sl"` // Capability: CLIENT_SSL
TA string `json:"mysql.caps.ta"` // Capability: CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS
type MySQLExtCapsTree struct {
CA string `json:"mysql.caps.ca"` // Extended Capability: CLIENT_AUTH
CapExt string `json:"mysql.caps.cap_ext"` // Extended Capability
CD string `json:"mysql.caps.cd"` // Extended Capability: CLIENT_DEPRECATED
CompressZSD string `json:"mysql.caps.compress_zsd"` // Extended Capability
DeprecateEOF string `json:"mysql.caps.deprecate_eof"` // Extended Capability: CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF
EP string `json:"mysql.caps.ep"` // Extended Capability
MFAuth string `json:"mysql.caps.mf_auth"` // Extended Capability: Multi-factor Authentication
MR string `json:"mysql.caps.mr"` // Extended Capability: Multi-Resultsets
MS string `json:"mysql.caps.ms"` // Extended Capability: Multi-Statements
OptionalMetadata string `json:"mysql.caps.optional_metadata"` // Optional Metadata
PA string `json:"mysql.caps.pa"` // Plugin Authentication
PM string `json:"mysql.caps.pm"` // Prepares Metadata
QueryAttrs string `json:"mysql.caps.query_attrs"` // Query Attributes
SessionTrack string `json:"mysql.caps.session_track"` // Session Tracking
Unused string `json:"mysql.caps.unused"` // Unused
VC string `json:"mysql.caps.vc"` // Version Check
type MySQLLoginRequest struct {
CapsClient string `json:"mysql.caps.client"` // Client Capabilities
CapsClientTree MySQLCapsTree `json:"mysql.caps.client_tree"` // Client Capabilities Tree
ExtCapsClient string `json:"mysql.extcaps.client"` // Extended Capabilities
ExtCapsClientTree MySQLExtCapsTree `json:"mysql.extcaps.client_tree"` // Extended Capabilities Tree
MaxPacket string `json:"mysql.max_packet"` // Maximum Packet Size
Collation string `json:"mysql.collation"` // Collation Setting
User string `json:"mysql.user"` // Username
Password string `json:"mysql.passwd"` // Encrypted Password
Schema string `json:"mysql.schema"` // Default Schema
Unused string `json:"mysql.unused"` // Unused Field
ClientAuthPlugin string `json:"mysql.client_auth_plugin"` // Authentication Plugin
type MySQLLayer struct {
PacketLength string `json:"mysql.packet_length"` // Length of the packet
PacketNumber string `json:"mysql.packet_number"` // Sequence number of the packet
LoginRequest MySQLLoginRequest `json:"mysql.login_request"` // Login request details
// Parse implements the ProtocolParser interface for MySQL.
func (p *MySQLLayer) Parse(layers gowireshark.Layers) (any, error) {
src, ok := layers["mysql"]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Wrap(gowireshark.ErrLayerNotFound, "mysql")
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &p)
if err != nil {
return nil, gowireshark.ErrParseFrame
return p, nil
func ParseCustomProtocol(inputFilepath string) (mysqlLayer *MySQLLayer, err error) {
frame, err := gowireshark.GetFrameByIdx(inputFilepath, 65,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// init ParserRegistry
registry := gowireshark.NewParserRegistry()
// register MySQL protocol Parser
registry.Register("mysql", &MySQLLayer{})
parsedLayer, err := registry.ParseProtocol("mysql", frame.Layers)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error parsing MySQL protocol")
mysqlLayer, ok := parsedLayer.(*MySQLLayer)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error parsing MySQL protocol")
return mysqlLayer, nil
func main() {
inputFilepath := "pcaps/mysql.pcapng"
mysqlLayer, err := ParseCustomProtocol(inputFilepath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Parsed MySQL layer, mysql.passwd:", mysqlLayer.LoginRequest.Password)
Other examples can refer to the test file.
├── README-zh.md
├── README.md
├── cJSON.c
├── config.go
├── frame_tvbuff.c
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── gowireshark.go
├── gowireshark_test.go
├── include/
│ ├── cJSON.h
│ ├── frame_tvbuff.h
│ ├── lib.h
│ ├── libpcap/
│ ├── offline.h
│ ├── online.h
│ ├── reassembly.h
│ ├── uthash.h
│ └── wireshark/
├── layers.go
├── lib.c
├── libs/
│ ├── libpcap.so.1
│ ├── libwireshark.so
│ ├── libwireshark.so.18
│ ├── libwireshark.so.18.0.2
│ ├── libwiretap.so
│ ├── libwiretap.so.15
│ ├── libwiretap.so.15.0.2
│ ├── libwsutil.so
│ ├── libwsutil.so.16
│ └── libwsutil.so.16.0.0
├── offline.c
├── online.c
├── online.go
│ ├── https.key
│ ├── https.pcapng
│ ├── mysql.pcapng
│ ├── server.key
│ └── testInvalid.key
├── reassembly.c
└── registry.go
Detailed description of the project directory structure:
file | description |
include/wireshark/ |
wireshark compiled source code |
include/libpcap/ |
libpcap uncompiled source code |
frame_tvbuff.c 、include/frame_tvbuff.h |
The wireshark source files, copied out, must be placed here |
libs/ |
wireshark、libpcap latest dll files |
pcaps/ |
Pcap packet files used for testing |
gowireshark_test.go |
Test files |
uthash.h |
Third-party uthash library |
cJSON.c、cJSON.h |
Third-party cJSON library |
lib.c、offline.c、online.c、reassembly.c |
Code that encapsulates and enhances libpcap and wireshark functionality in C |
include/lib.h、offline.h、online.h、reassembly.h |
Some c interfaces exposed to go |
layers.go |
common layers parser |
registry.go |
user register custom protocol parser |
online.go、gowireshark.go |
The final interface is encapsulated with Go, and the user's Go program can be used directly |
- lib.c、offline.c、online.c
- include/lib.h、offline.h、online.h The declaration of the wireshark interface is encapsulated in C and finally called by the Go encapsulation.
- gowireshark.go All external interfaces are encapsulated by Go.
Golang =cgo=> Clang ==> Wireshark/libpcap DLL
How to compile wireshark, libpcap dynamic link libraries?
If the compiled wireshark and libpcap dynamic link libraries are different from the supported versions of the current project, please cover the include/wireshark/
and include/libpcap/
directories simultaneously;
Note that some interfaces in this project may not be valid if the wireshark version changes a lot, but can be researched and fixed;
1.Compile the wireshark dynamic link library
# Determine the latest release version and set environment variables
export WIRESHARKV=4.4.2
# Operate in the /opt directory
cd /opt/
# Download the source code
wget https://1.as.dl.wireshark.org/src/wireshark-$WIRESHARKV.tar.xz
# Unzip and modify the folder name
tar -xvf wireshark-$WIRESHARKV.tar.xz
mv wireshark-$WIRESHARKV wireshark
# Operate in the /opt/wireshark directory
cd /opt/wireshark/
--------[The first compilation needs to be checked] How to check the dependencies required for compilation-------------
# Resolve dependency issues according to the output red error log until they are ignored when a qt5 error occurs
cmake -LH ./
# If you do not have cmake, please install it first
export CMAKEV=3.31.1
sudo wget https://cmake.org/files/LatestRelease/cmake-$CMAKEV.tar.gz
tar -xzf cmake-$CMAKEV.tar.gz
mv cmake-$CMAKEV cmake
cd /opt/cmake
sudo ./bootstrap
sudo make
sudo make install
cmake --version
# Dependencies that may need to be installed
sudo apt install build-essential -y
sudo apt install libgcrypt-dev -y
sudo apt install libc-ares-dev -y
sudo apt install flex -y
sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev -y
sudo apt install libssl-dev -y
sudo apt install ninja-build -y
sudo apt install pcaputils -y
sudo apt install libpcap-dev -y
# ubuntu
sudo apt install libxslt1-dev
sudo apt install doxygen
sudo apt install libspeexdsp-dev
## gnutls < nettle < Libhogweed
apt install libgmp-dev -y
apt install libunbound-dev -y
apt install libp11-kit-dev -y
## nettle
wget https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/nettle/nettle-3.9.1.tar.gz
tar -xvf nettle-3.9.1.tar.gz
cd nettle-3.9.1
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
## fetch nettle.pc dir > /usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/
sudo find /usr -name "nettle.pc"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/
pkg-config --modversion nettle
# Solve the problem of libgnutls dll dependency error nettle dll
sudo find /usr -name libnettle.so
cp /usr/local/lib64/libnettle.so /usr/local/lib/
# Make sure /usr/local/lib has a higher priority
sudo vim /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf
# add content
# reload the dll cache
sudo ldconfig
## gnutls
wget https://www.gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt/gnutls/v3.8/gnutls-3.8.8.tar.xz
tar -xvf gnutls-3.8.8.tar.xz
cd gnutls-3.8.8
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-included-libtasn1 --with-included-unistring
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
gnutls-cli --version
## when finish compiling wireshark, run wireshark/build/run/tshark -v, confirm Compiled with GnuTLS
Compiled xxx with GnuTLS
# mac m1
sudo brew install libxslt1
sudo brew install doxygen
sudo brew install libspeexdsp-dev
# Dependent on the problem resolution complete, delete the files generated by the test
rm CMakeCache.txt
rm -rf CMakeFiles/
# Create a build-specific directory under the /opt/wireshark/ directory
mkdir build && cd build
# Build [For production]
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_wireshark=off -DENABLE_LUA=off ..
# Compile
# After successful compilation, enter the run directory to view the compiled dynamic link library
cd run/ && ls -lh
# Overwrites replaces the original 9 wireshark dynamic link library files
cd /opt/gowireshark/libs/
cp -r /opt/wireshark/build/run/lib*so* .
# first do step [modify source code import error]
# Overwrite the wireshark source folder(Remove the useless build/ directory first)
rm -rf /opt/wireshark/build/
# Before copying the source code to the project, you can back up the original /opt/gowireshark/include/wireshark/ directory
cp -r /opt/wireshark/ /opt/gowireshark/include/wireshark/
# View project directory structure [project directory parent directory execution]
tree -L 2 -F gowireshark
[modify source code import error]
#include <ws_version.h>
#include <config.h>
# after build, it genarate file `ws_version.h` and `config.h`
cp /opt/wireshark/build/ws_version.h /opt/wireshark/ws_version.h
cp /opt/wireshark/build/config.h /opt/wireshark/config.h
sudo mv /opt/wireshark/include/* /opt/wireshark/
2.Compile the libpcap dynamic link library
# Determine the latest release version and set environment variables
export PCAPV=1.10.5
# Operate in the /opt directory
cd /opt
wget http://www.tcpdump.org/release/libpcap-$PCAPV.tar.gz
tar -zxvf libpcap-$PCAPV.tar.gz
cd libpcap-$PCAPV
export CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
./configure --host=aarch64-linux --with-pcap=linux
# Compile
# After successful compilation, rename the dll file
mv libpcap.so.$PCAPV libpcap.so.1
# Finally, replace the original dll file
mv /opt/libpcap-$PCAPV/libpcap.so.1 /opt/gowireshark/libs/libpcap.so.1
# If there is no flex、bison library, please install first
apt install flex
apt install bison
Hexadecimal related fields are separated from the protocol parsing results:
- offset
- hex
- ascii
Descriptive values
- The native printing protocol tree interface
contains descriptive values, while the protocol JSON output interfacewrite_json_proto_tree
does not contain descriptive values, which can be improved by borrowing the implementation logicproto_tree_print_node
of the former; - Refer to
:/** Fill given label_str with a simple string representation of field. @param finfo the item to get the info from @param label_str the string to fill @todo think about changing the parameter profile */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void proto_item_fill_label(field_info *finfo, gchar *label_str);
- The native printing protocol tree interface
You can create a new C file in
lib.c, offline.c, online.c
'` or in the root directory and add interfaces for custom functions; -
After the interface is completed, you need to add a declaration in the H header file with the same name in the
directory, and if the interface is also used in cgo file, you need to add the same declaration in the cgo preamble of this file; -
encapsulate the interface in cgo file;
Add test cases in file
; -
Use the clang-format tool to format custom C code and header files: E.g:
clang-format -i lib.c
,With the parameter '-i' indicates that this command directly formats the specified file, remove '-i' to preview. Modify all .c files in the root directory and all .h header files in theinclude/
directory (note that third-party library files such as cJSON are removed with grep) (Only the current directory is level 1, do not traverse down the lookup, i.e. do not format the source files underinclude/wireshark/
):find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.c' | grep -v 'cJSON.c' | grep -v 'frame_tvbuff.c' | xargs clang-format -i find ./include -maxdepth 1 -name '*.h' | grep -v 'cJSON.h' | grep -v 'frame_tvbuff.h' | grep -v 'uthash.h' | xargs clang-format -i
how to test:
# Print all the frame of a pcap file go test -v -run TestPrintAllFrames # Parse and output a frame in JSON format go test -v -run TestGetFrameByIdx # Parse and output several frame in JSON format go test -v -run TestGetFramesByIdxs # Parse and output all frame in JSON format go test -v -run TestGetAllFrames # Parses and outputs a frame of HEX data go test -v -run TestGetHexDataByIdx # Parse packets in real time go test -v -run TestStartAndStopLivePacketCaptureInfinite # Real-time packet capture Read a certain number and parse it go test -v -run TestStartAndStopLivePacketCaptureLimited # Set rsa key to parse TLSv1.2 go test -v -run TestParseHttps
Or test by calling this library.
- Offline packet file parsing printing
- Offline packet files parse and output JSON format
- Offline packet parsing to obtain base-16 related data
- Listen to interfaces in real time and capture packets
- Encapsulates the logic for go to invoke real-time parsing - transmits real-time parsing results to golang
- Encapsulates Golang's processing of the received real-time packet parsing results for Golang calling
- Optimize memory leakage and improve the performance of real-time packet capture and parsing interfaces
- Supports packet capture for multiple devices and stops packet capture based on device name
- parser result support descriptive values
- Support Set rsa keys to parse the TLS protocol, offline and real-time
- Support for optional parameters
- Users can register custom protocol parsers
- Supports extracting files from the HTTP protocol
- Supports follow TCP streams