an implementation of Md Links project
- Finds links in a markdown file (.md | .markdown)
- Finds links in a folder recursively.
- Validate links by making a HTTP GET request and checking the response's status code.
- Runs from CLI
npm install -g @raulingg/md-links`
locally, as dependency in your project
npm install @raulingg/md-links
const mdLinks = require('@raulingg/md-links')
.then(mdlink => {
// Return an object with two methods data and stats
// data() return an array with results => {
console.log(item.path, item.href, item.text)
// find links in all markdown files inside a directory
mdLinks('path/to/directory').data().then(data => {});
import mdLinks from require('@raulingg/md-links')
const mdlink = await mdLinks('path/to/')
const results =
// do whatever you want
mdLinks('path/to/', { validate: true}).then((mdlink) => { => {
console.log(item.path, item.text, item.href, item.status, item.statusCode)
* Stats Object
* {
* total: <#linksFound>
* unique: <#LinksUnique>
* broken: <#LinksBroken>
* }
mdLinks('path/to/').then(mdlink => mdlink.stats());
// get stats from broken links
mdLinks('path/to/', { validate: true}).then(mdlink => mdlink.stats());
# single file
md-links <path/to/>
# scan all markdown files in a folder
md-links <path/to/dir>
md-links <path/to/dir> --validate
md-links <path/to/dir> --stats
# validate and return stats
md-links <path/to/dir> --validate --stats
[valid link](
[title (parenthesis)](
[title with
[[extra sq bracket](!445?)
[extra sq bracket - invalid]](
[link with linebreak - invalid](http: