This is the repo of my personal website. It took a long time to get it done, but here it is. It's in constant development, so new updates will come when you least expects. Hope you enjoyed!

- React DVD Screen Saver: for my screensaver, I adapted the source code and used my own useWindowSize hook.
- React Bits: I used the base of some of their coolest components including animated content, animated text and follow cursor.
- React Haiku: I used some of their custom hooks and for some I use as base to create my owns.
- Canvas Confetti: Everybody loves confetti. That's it!
- You can check on
for more cool packages that I used.
There are some easter eggs in this project.
- ☃️ If your mouse doesn't move for over 10 seconds, a screensaver will be displayed with a random selection of gifs, enjoy!
- 😵 Speaking of gifs, try to access some invalid page route, it's even coolest if you access it on your desktop.
- 🔮 On special and selected dates you may get a message with some confetti. You can check the dates on code or you can wait until one of those days come, but I would never recommend that.
- 💻 Did you opened DevTools already?
- ⌨️ Shortcuts:
: toggle color theme.1
: navigate through sections.