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6DOF Flight Simulation for High Power Model Rocketry


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NOTE: This project is still in development and not yet in a release state


The goal of this project is to build a robust, extensible flight simulation package for high power rocketry, with open-source dependencies.

Key features:

  • 6-DOF kinematic model
  • Monte Carlo functionality
  • Parallel processing (multicore) to support large test cases
  • High fidelity environment modeling: atmospheric, geodetic, wind turbulence, etc.
  • Comptability w/ RASP (*.eng) engine files (
  • Flight data visualization & plain-text export
  • Simple input API for additional scripting & extensions

Current efforts are focused on builds for these platforms:

Platform Runner OS Test(s)
Linux (x86_64) ubuntu-22.04
Windows 10 (x86_64) windows-2022
Mac (arm64) n/a To be supported in the future


To build the simulation:

$ cd build
$ cmake --preset ubuntu ../ # Configs available for "ubuntu" or "windows"
$ cmake --build . -j # Use all available cores

To run the simulation in CLI mode (headless):

$ ./ -i input/unit_test.yml -o output

To launch the GUI, simply call the program with no arguments:

$ ./

CLI help:

$ ./ -h # Trigger help message

usage: [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input file; if none given, user interface will launch
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output directory; if none given, assumed to be output/


The unit test used for benchmarking simulates the flight of a 4 in Patriot replica kit (example: ) with a XXX motor:

Platform Build Type Processors Number of Sims Run Time Unit Run Time
Ubuntu 22.04 Debug 8 1,000 XXX s XXX s
Release 8 1,000 XXX s XXX s
Windows 10 Debug 8 1,000 XXX s XXX s
Release 8 1,000 XXX s XXX s

External Libraries

Managed through git submodule; included with repository by default:

Version Purpose Link
eigen 3.4.0 Linear algebra utilities
fmt 11.0.2 String formatting & output
gsl 2.7.0 Scientific/numerical utilties
pybind11 2.12.0 Python/C++ bindings

Directory Index

  • build - CMake build directory
    • pyinstaller - PyInstaller build output
  • doc - Manual & supporting documentation
  • input - Simulation & model input
  • lib - External C/C++ libraries (submodules)
  • output - Simulation data output
  • src - Python & C++ source
    • exec - Simulation control & execution
    • gui - Graphical user interface via PyQt
    • model - Rocket & environment models
    • postproc - Simulation post-processing: data reduction, plots, etc.
    • preproc - Simulation pre-processing: input validation & model setup
    • test - Model unit test scripts
    • util - General utilities
  • tools - Developer tools & scripts


Why is there a mix of Python & C++ in this project?

  • The intent is to lean on the respective strengths of python and C++:
    • Python is used for pre-processing, post-processing, and data visualization
    • C++ constitutes the bulk of the numerical routines
  • pybind11 is used as a binding library to wrap the C++ routines and build them as (importable) python modules

Why not use OpenRocket ?

  • Use both! They are distinct tools with different features & use-cases:
    • OpenRocket can be a used as a first-step in designing or simulating a model rocket
      • CAD-like user interface with part picker and motor database
    • hpr-sim provides advanced simulation capabilities to dig deeper into a rocket's performance and gather analysis for launch safety & recovery
      • Monte Carlo capability, dispersion analysis, parameter optimization