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ReDBOX 2 Migration


This is a node.js package for migrating records from ReDBox 1.8+ to ReDBox 2.0 using the API at both ends.


> node src/migrate.js --source SourceServer --dest DestServer --type dmpt --outdir ./report

'SourceServer' and 'DestServer' are references to the 'servers' section of the configuration file.


The config file is config/default.json. Sections as follows:


Keys are the server names which are passed in to --source and --dest.

Values are JSON objects giving version, baseURL, apiKey and a list of packageTypes supported by the server.

ReDBox 2 servers also need a branding and portal value.

	"Test1_9": {
  		"version": "Redbox1",
  		"baseURL": "",
  		"apiKey": "#############",
  		"packageTypes": [ "dmpt", "dataset", "self-submission" ]
	"Test2_0": {
  		"version": "Redbox2",
  		"baseURL": "",
  		"apiKey": "#############",
  		"packageTypes": [ "rdmp", "dataRecord", "workspace" ],
  		"branding": "default",
  		"portal": "rdmp"


Path containing crosswalk configuration files: see "Crosswalks" below for details.


A list of objects, each of which is used to build a winston logger. Each object has at least a "level" specifying the logging level. If there's a "filename" specified, log to that, otherwise log to the console.

        "level": "error"
      	"filename": "./logs/debug.log",
  		"level": "error"


Each crosswalk is a file called ${type}.json in the crosswalks directory. ${type} needs to match a packageType configured on the source server.

The crosswalk is a JSON object with the following sections.


A string specifying which field in the source objects contains the unique object id.


The package type to be fetched from the source server.


The package type to be written to the destination server.


A map between workflow stages in the source server and the destination server.


(Note: the way permissions work is specific to migrating a 1.9 to a 2.0 server, and even more specifically about migrating UTS's 1.9 to 2.0. A more mature migration script will need to handle 2.x -> 2.y migrations.)

Because of changes to the permissions system from 1.9 to 2.0, and because the 1.9 API doesn't expose all of its view permissions, they aren't crosswalked directly. Instead, the idea is to give a crosswalked record the same permissions it would have had, if it had been created in 2.0.

The permissions config maps contributer fields in the destination record to an array of permissions - ie

"contributor_ci": [ "view", "edit" ]

means that the FNCI will be granted view and edit permissions on the record.

"_owner_" is a special key value which picks up the owner of a record in 1.9 and gives that user the specified permissions.

If the owner is different from contributor_ci or contributor_data_manager, this will be highlighted in the output reports.


Specifies which field from a Person record should be used as the id for setting permissions


A list of fields in the destination JSON which are mandatory. The script will report errors for migrated objects in which these fields are missing or empty.


A list of fields in the source JSON which are ignored - the script will not log any warnings or errors about them.


A JSON object: the keys are field names in the source JSON, and the values are instructions about how to map these to the destination JSON.


If the value is a string,

  • if it's a single underscore, make the destination field by replacing any "." in the source field name with underscores, and then copy the value to that field
  • if it's any other string, use that string as the destination field

If the value is an object, it should be either a record or a valuemap. Which crosswalk is used is determined by the "type" field of the object. If an object has no "type" field, or if it's unknown, an error will be logged.


A valuemap maps values from the source field into values for the destination field. It needs a "name" field, which works the same way as a simple copy (if it's an underscore, transform the original field name, otherwise just use the "name" as the new field).

The "map" field is a JSON object mapping old values to new values. Any values in a source record which don't have an entry in the valuemap will be logged as errors.

  "name": "_",
  "type": "valuemap",
  "map" : {
    "ovalue1": "nvalue1",
    "ovalue2": "nvalue2",


Record crosswalks are for fields which have some internal structure, or are repeatable, or both.

	"type": "record",
	"name": "_",
	"repeatable": 1,
	"fields": {
		"sourcefield1": "destfield1",
		"sourcefield2": "destfield2",
	"handler": "MySpecial"

"name" determines the name of the top-level destination field, with the same underscore-for-periods replacement as other fields.

"repeatable", if it's present and has a truth-y value, makes the crosswalk look for multiple records with the same prefix in ReDBox 1.9 style, and will cause an error to be logged if it finds only a single record. The converse is also true: if a record isn't flagged as repeatable and there are multiple values in the source, an error is logged.

"fields" is an optional JSON object mapping subfields in the source to subfields in the destination. (If "fields" is not present, whatever is in the source JSON is copied across.)

"handler" is used to specify a Handler class: these are used to do more complicated crosswalks. There are three built-in Handlers and you can add your own.


A Handler is a TypeScript class which implements the Handler interface defined in src/handlers/handlers.ts. Copying the examples provided is probable the best way to write one.

Handler source files should be added to the src/handlers directory, and also need to be exported from that directory's index.ts file, like so:

export { ForSeo } from './ForSeo';
export { Person } from './Person';
export { FundingBody } from './FundingBody';
export { MyHandler } from './MyHandler';

The class name of the handler has to match the value of the "handler" field in the crosswalk configuration.

Handlers are called on record values after any mapping of fields using the "field" object has been applied. For an example of how this works, compare the four fields which use the Person handler to crosswalk FNCIs, data managers, collaborators and supervisors from ReDBOx 1.9. The subfields for these records aren't the same in RB1.9, so the default crosswalk maps them onto a standard record structure before they are processed by the Person handler.


A handler to map FOR and SEO codes from ReDBox 1.9 to ReDBox 2.0.


A handler to map Person values from RB1.9 to RB2.0


A handler to map funding bodies from RB1.9 to RB2.0.


ReDBox 1.x to 2.0 migration toolkit






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  • TypeScript 99.2%
  • Shell 0.8%