Automation wrapper for fio
Description: Fio spawns a number of threads or processes doing a particular type of I/O action as specified by the user. fio takes a number of global parameters, each inherited by the thread unless other parameters provided for that thread overrides the global settings. The typical use of fio is to write a job file matching the I/O load one wants to simulate.
Location of underlying workload: benchmark loaded via dnf
Packages required: gcc,numactl,python3,bc,fio
To run:
[root@hawkeye ~]# git clone
[root@hawkeye ~]# fio-wrapper/fio/fio_run
Defaults for the script are the following:
devices: No default, if not provided will be prompted
run time: 120 seconds
test type: read and write
ioengine: libaio
jobs min: 1
jobs max: # numa nodes
block size: 4k and 1024k
io depth: 1 2 4 8 16 32
If regression option is selected, only one set of runs with all the disks.
devices: No default, if not provided will be prompted
run time: 120 seconds
test type: read and write
ioengine: libaio
jobs min: 1
jobs max: # numa nodes
block size: 4k and 1024k
io depth: 1 16 64
Usage: fio-wrapper/fio/fio_run
--block_size: comma separated lists of block sizes to use
--disk_size: size in M, use this as the size of the disk instead of lsblk
--disks: comma separated list of disks to use.
--ioengine: comma separated list of ioengines to use
--iodepth_list: how many ios are allowed outstanding
--jobs_list: comma separated list of jobs, overrides jobs max and jobs_min, numa_node means use
number of numa nodes or 2, which ever is greater
--jobs_max: maximum number of jobs to run
--jobs_min: minimum number of jobs to run
--max_disks: maximum number of disks to run with
--max_disks_only: Perform the run only with maximum disks
--pbench_samples: number of times pbench is to run each data point, default is 5
--regression: regression run
--runtime: run for the designated period, 60 seconds is the default
--test_type: type of io doing.
--use_pbench_version: Instead of running the wrappers version
of fio, use pbench-fio when pbench is requested
General options
--home_parent <value>: Our parent home directory. If not set, defaults to current working directory.
--host_config <value>: default is the current host name.
--iterations <value>: Number of times to run the test, defaults to 1.
--pbench: use pbench-user-benchmark and place information into pbench, defaults to do not use.
--pbench_user <value>: user who started everything. Defaults to the current user.
--pbench_copy: Copy the pbench data, not move it.
--pbench_stats: What stats to gather. Defaults to all stats.
--run_label: the label to associate with the pbench run. No default setting.
--run_user: user that is actually running the test on the test system. Defaults to user running wrapper.
--sys_type: Type of system working with, aws, azure, hostname. Defaults to hostname.
--sysname: name of the system running, used in determining config files. Defaults to hostname.
--tuned_setting: used in naming the tar file, default for RHEL is the current active tuned. For non
RHEL systems, default is none.
--usage: this usage message.
Note: The script does not install pbench for you. You need to do that manually.