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LangGraph Redis

This repository contains Redis implementations for LangGraph, providing both Checkpoint Savers and Stores functionality.


The project consists of two main components:

  1. Redis Checkpoint Savers: Implementations for storing and managing checkpoints using Redis
  2. Redis Stores: Redis-backed key-value stores with optional vector search capabilities


The project requires the following main dependencies:

  • redis>=5.2.1
  • redisvl>=0.3.7
  • langgraph-checkpoint>=2.0.10


Install the library using pip:

pip install langgraph-checkpoint-redis

Redis Checkpoint Savers

Important Notes


When using Redis checkpointers for the first time, make sure to call .setup() method on them to create required indices. See examples below.

Standard Implementation

from langgraph.checkpoint.redis import RedisSaver

write_config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1", "checkpoint_ns": ""}}
read_config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1"}}

with RedisSaver.from_conn_string("redis://localhost:6379") as checkpointer:
    # Call setup to initialize indices
    checkpoint = {
        "v": 1,
        "ts": "2024-07-31T20:14:19.804150+00:00",
        "id": "1ef4f797-8335-6428-8001-8a1503f9b875",
        "channel_values": {
            "my_key": "meow",
            "node": "node"
        "channel_versions": {
            "__start__": 2,
            "my_key": 3,
            "start:node": 3,
            "node": 3
        "versions_seen": {
            "__input__": {},
            "__start__": {
                "__start__": 1
            "node": {
                "start:node": 2
        "pending_sends": [],

    # Store checkpoint
    checkpointer.put(write_config, checkpoint, {}, {})

    # Retrieve checkpoint
    loaded_checkpoint = checkpointer.get(read_config)

    # List all checkpoints
    checkpoints = list(checkpointer.list(read_config))

Async Implementation

from langgraph.checkpoint.redis.aio import AsyncRedisSaver

async def main():
    write_config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1", "checkpoint_ns": ""}}
    read_config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1"}}

    async with AsyncRedisSaver.from_conn_string("redis://localhost:6379") as checkpointer:
        # Call setup to initialize indices
        await checkpointer.asetup()
        checkpoint = {
            "v": 1,
            "ts": "2024-07-31T20:14:19.804150+00:00",
            "id": "1ef4f797-8335-6428-8001-8a1503f9b875",
            "channel_values": {
                "my_key": "meow",
                "node": "node"
            "channel_versions": {
                "__start__": 2,
                "my_key": 3,
                "start:node": 3,
                "node": 3
            "versions_seen": {
                "__input__": {},
                "__start__": {
                    "__start__": 1
                "node": {
                    "start:node": 2
            "pending_sends": [],

        # Store checkpoint
        await checkpointer.aput(write_config, checkpoint, {}, {})

        # Retrieve checkpoint
        loaded_checkpoint = await checkpointer.aget(read_config)

        # List all checkpoints
        checkpoints = [c async for c in checkpointer.alist(read_config)]

# Run the async main function
import asyncio

Shallow Implementations

Shallow Redis checkpoint savers store only the latest checkpoint in Redis. These implementations are useful when retaining a complete checkpoint history is unnecessary.

from langgraph.checkpoint.redis.shallow import ShallowRedisSaver
# For async version: from langgraph.checkpoint.redis.ashallow import AsyncShallowRedisSaver

write_config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1", "checkpoint_ns": ""}}
read_config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1"}}

with ShallowRedisSaver.from_conn_string("redis://localhost:6379") as checkpointer:
    # ... rest of the implementation follows similar pattern

Redis Stores

Redis Stores provide a persistent key-value store with optional vector search capabilities.

Synchronous Implementation

from import RedisStore

# Basic usage
with RedisStore.from_conn_string("redis://localhost:6379") as store:
    # Use the store...

# With vector search configuration
index_config = {
    "dims": 1536,  # Vector dimensions
    "distance_type": "cosine",  # Distance metric
    "fields": ["text"],  # Fields to index

with RedisStore.from_conn_string("redis://localhost:6379", index=index_config) as store:
    # Use the store with vector search capabilities...

Async Implementation

from import AsyncRedisStore

async def main():
    async with AsyncRedisStore.from_conn_string("redis://localhost:6379") as store:
        await store.setup()
        # Use the store asynchronously...

Implementation Details


The Redis implementation creates these main indices:

  1. Checkpoints Index: Stores checkpoint metadata and versioning
  2. Channel Values Index: Stores channel-specific data
  3. Writes Index: Tracks pending writes and intermediate states

For Redis Stores with vector search:

  1. Store Index: Main key-value store
  2. Vector Index: Optional vector embeddings for similarity search


We welcome contributions! Here's how you can help:

Development Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd langgraph
  2. Install dependencies:

    poetry install

Available Commands

The project includes several make commands for development:

  • Testing:

    make test           # Run all tests
    make test_watch    # Run tests in watch mode
  • Linting and Formatting:

    make lint          # Run all linters
    make lint_diff     # Lint only changed files
    make lint_package  # Lint only the package
    make lint_tests    # Lint only tests
    make format        # Format all files
    make format_diff   # Format only changed files

Contribution Guidelines

  1. Create a new branch for your changes
  2. Write tests for new functionality
  3. Ensure all tests pass: make test
  4. Format your code: make format
  5. Run linting checks: make lint
  6. Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes
  7. Follow Conventional Commits for commit messages


This project is licensed under the MIT License.