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This is a Redis starter template for Go:


Getting started

Copy and edit the .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Your .env file should contain the connection string you copied from Redis Cloud.

Your .env.docker file will look similar to .env, but should use the appropriate docker internal URLs. Here is an example:


Next, spin up docker containers:

make docker

You should have a server running on http://localhost:<port> where the port is set in your .env file (default is 8080). You can test the following routes:

  1. GET /api/todos - Gets all todos
  2. GET /api/todos/:id - Gets a todo by ID
  3. GET /api/todos?[name=<name>]&[status=<status>] - Search for todos by name and/or status
  4. POST /api/todos - Create a todo with { "name": "Sample todo" }
  5. PATCH /api/todos/:id - Update todo by ID with { "status": "todo|in progress|complete" }
  6. DELETE /api/todos/:id - Delete a todo by ID

Running tests

There are some tests in the __tests__ folder that can be run with the following command:

make test

These tests setup and teardown on their own. You can modify them if you want to leave data in Redis.

Running locally outside docker

To run the server outside of docker you need to first create a .venv:

make install && source .venv/bin/activate

From then on, you can run a dev server:

make dev

Other Scripts

Run make to see the list of available commands.

Connecting to Redis Cloud

If you don't yet have a database setup in Redis Cloud get started here for free.

To connect to a Redis Cloud database, log into the console and find the following:

  1. The public endpoint (looks like
  2. Your username (default is the default username, otherwise find the one you setup)
  3. Your password (either setup through Data Access Control, or available in the Security section of the database page.

Combine the above values into a connection string and put it in your .env and .env.docker accordingly. It should look something like the following:


Run the tests to verify that you are connected properly.

Learn more

To learn more about Redis, take a look at the following resources: