- Daniele Fillault (filiaultd@gmail.com)
- Kyongho Son (kkyong77@hotmail.com)
- JaeJin Choi (jaejinchoi@berkeley.edu)
- Tim Bailey (tim@caflc.dev)
- group slack channel (team6)
- group github with readme
- group zoom meetings
Group member: Daniele
Goal: run genome-wide association study with limix (python) using snakemake workflow on an atmosphere instance
Group memmber: Kyongho
Goal: create R script with JupyterLab to download and analyze the modis products to detect the impact of forest fires on vegetation growth/productivity at the watershed scale.
Group member: JaeJin
Goal: study Cyverse environment, and develop visualization tool for FFP project
Group member: Tim
Goal: Develop Data Management Plan, License, and Code of Conduct