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A dependency injection framework for dummies.
- Define your dependencies in a file
- Support robust dependency mocking
- Decorators
- Forcing the rest of your code to use classes
- Automatic memoization
- Graph algorithms
import { registry } from "antipattern";
import { memo } from "radash";
export const deps = registry(class {
// All public methods must be async, and can be mocked
async user() {
return process.env.USER;
async pass() {
return process.env.PASS;
async login() {
return `${await this.user()}:${await this.pass()}`;
async cloud() {
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") return this.local();
return this.aws();
// Private methods can be whatever
private aws = memo(() => ({
upload: async (file: string) => {
// ...
private local = memo(() => ({
upload: async (file: string) => {
// ...
// elsewhere:
const cloud = await deps.cloud();
await cloud.upload("./README.md");
Mocking with automatic restoration:
import { withMock } from "antipattern";
const upload = vi.fn();
const testCloud = { upload };
await withMock(deps, "cloud", testCloud, async () => {
const cloud = await deps.cloud();
await cloud.upload("./tsconfig.json");
Manually mocking + restoring:
import { mock } from "antipattern";
beforeEach(() => {
const restores: Array<() => any> = [];
restores.push(mock(deps, "user", "reissbaker"));
restores.push(mock(deps, "pass", "hunter2s"));
return () => {
restores.forEach(restore => restore());