This is a SteamVR Overlay app (and a "standalone" window) that will list all your connected OpenVR devices informations such as: Model, vendor, tracking type, serial number, battery status and tracking state.
It can send notifications of low battery (<20%) and warn (<50%) through native windows toasts or XSOverlay, it will also notify if a tracker is charging but too slowly that it's discharging.
You can also get notification specific for your HMD when the charging state changes (lol @ android).
Yes this app also works if you only have an HMD without trackers, it's a bit overkill, but it works™️
The configuration file is located in: %appdata%\OpenVR-Display-Devices\
the app.ini
- Clone the repository recursively to get the submodules
- Alternatively in the CLI after cloning:
git submodule init --update
iirc - Load the project in Visual Studio 2022
- Build it
- ???
Notes that the project uses VCPKG, so you might have to need to open the dev prompt from your project and do something like vcpkg integrate install
maybe idk
To create an installer:
- Download latest NSIS thingy
- Open it, click the link to compile a script
- Load the "installer/installer.nsi" file
- Compile and execute
- done
- Try it more
- WIP to be tested: Implement a "previous value" for battery statuses, to detect if the device is charging BUT current% is inferior to last%, to send a more specific notification about slow charging
- The code really needs cleanups, the WebSocket part is absolutely awful, it works, but PRs welcomes (I won't bite you)
- Properly detect when a device is disconnected because they are still returned by the API
MIT License
Some code has been used from for the main ImGUI/glfw/opengl window code.
- farts at otter dot sh
- issues maybe, any other way you can find (good luck)