The purpose of this repository is to provide a better interface than the c_uart_example that mavlink provides. This interface allows for multithreaded message writing to the interface.
Also included is a position controller class.
This is a really simple class that can be used to send both vision_position_estimate
and set_position_target_local_ned
messages to fully control the desired and current position of the UAV.
git clone
cd mavlink-interface
git submodule init
git submodule update
Using px4 v1.8.0 the steps to send position data are as follows.
Build the regular release of px4. ( and upload it. Or try to install the latest version available on QGroundControl.
make px4fmu-v2_default
make px4fmu-v2_default upload
- Select a multirotor airframe.
- Change EKF2_AID_MASK to accept vision information. (set value to 24 to completely disable GPS and only use vision)
- Change EKFS_HGT_MODE to Vision.
- Change SYS_COMPANION to 921600.
Power the px4 via battery. I have experienced issues with the local_position_target message when powered via usb.
Set up the serial port name in main.cpp
#define PORT "/dev/ttyUSB0"
#define BAUD 921600
Then build and run the program.
Multithreaded_Interface mti;
mti.start(PORT, BAUD);
Example for how to read last available message.
auto search = mti.last_messages.find(MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE);
if(search != mti.last_messages.end()) {
mavlink_attitude_t att;
mavlink_msg_attitude_decode(&(search->second), &att);
printf("[Roll Pitch Yaw] = [%f %f %f] \n",att.roll, att.pitch, att.yaw);
else {
std::cout << "Attitude Message not yet Received\n";
The purpose of this mode is to allow a received message to trigger an action.
Create function with the following signature
std::function<void(mavlink_message_t)> // functions returns void and takes in mavlink_message_t
Example callback function with proper signature.
void new_msg_callback(mavlink_message_t message) {
if (message.msgid == 0){
cout << "Received HB" << endl;
mavlink_heartbeat_t heartbeat_msg;
mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&message, &heartbeat_msg);
Binding the callback
Encode and send a mavlink message. See position_controller.cpp for an example.
mavlink_message_t message;
mavlink_msg_command_long_encode(system_id, companion_id, &message, &com);
//Send the message
A periodic message class has been made to allow for periodic messages to be sent. positional_controller.cpp has a great example of how to use it.
Setting up Periodic_Message object.
mavlink_message_t current_position_message;
int frequency = 10; // frequency in Hz
Periodic_Message current_position_periodic(*mti, current_position_message, frequency);
Updating the message
Setup the mti as previously and the setup of position_controller.
Position_Controller p(&mti);
Update current and desired positions
p.update_current_position(x, y, z, yaw);
p.update_desired_position(x, y, z, yaw);
After 100 desired position messages, offboard mode can be enabled.
p.toggle_offboard_control(true); // enable offboard mode
p.toggle_offboard_control(false); // disable offboard mode