This repository contains practical exercises and implementations from a database fundamentals course. It explores both theoretical concepts and hands-on applications of database systems, from SQL queries to NoSQL databases, indexing performance, and transaction management.
Implementations of Python functions to query and analyze city bike trip data stored in SQLite. Features include:
- User distance and speed calculations
- City-based trip duration analysis
- User tracking across multiple cities
- Daily trip statistics
- Popular starting points identification
View Implementation Details
# Sample function: Finding the total distance traveled by a user
def distance_of_user(user):
conn = get_db_connection()
cursor = conn.cursor()
query = """
SELECT SUM(distance)
FROM Trips
JOIN Users ON Trips.user_id =
cursor.execute(query, (user,))
result = cursor.fetchone()[0]
return result
Design and implementation of a university course management system with:
- Tables for teachers, courses, students, credits, and groups
- Advanced query capabilities for course-student-teacher relationships
- Grade distribution analysis
- Cross-relational statistics gathering
View Database Schema
CREATE TABLE teachers (
name TEXT
CREATE TABLE courses (
name TEXT,
credits INTEGER
CREATE TABLE course_teachers (
course_id INTEGER,
teacher_id INTEGER,
FOREIGN KEY (course_id) REFERENCES courses(id),
FOREIGN KEY (teacher_id) REFERENCES teachers(id)
/* Additional tables for students, credits, groups, etc. */
Experimental evaluation of database indexing strategies, measuring:
- Query performance with and without indexes
- Effect of index creation timing (before vs. after data insertion)
- Database file size impacts
- Performance metrics across different strategies
View Test Results
Test Scenario | Row Insertion Time | Query Execution Time | Database Size |
No Index | 1.50 sec | 25.25 sec | 19.19 MB |
Index Before | 2.03 sec | 0.18 sec | 30.97 MB |
Index After | 1.51 sec | 0.17 sec | 29.70 MB |
Investigation of how multiple concurrent transactions interact in SQLite, examining:
- Lock behavior between transactions
- Transaction isolation levels
- Conflict resolution strategies
- Success/failure patterns in concurrent operations
View Transaction Test Cases
Test Case Example:
Transaction 1 Transaction 2
-------------- --------------
UPDATE Test SET x=2;
UPDATE Test SET x=3;
Result Analysis: Transaction isolation demonstrates that Transaction 2's changes are not visible to Transaction 1 until committed, while Transaction 1's lock prevents Transaction 2 from modifying the same data concurrently.
Implementation of MongoDB queries using Python to analyze real estate data:
- Filtering by zip code, construction year, and apartment size
- Transaction history analysis
- Complex aggregation pipelines
- Document-based data retrieval
View MongoDB Query Examples
# Finding apartments sold between 2010-2012
myynti_count = apartments.count_documents({
"transactions": {
"$elemMatch": {
"date": {
"$gte": "2010-01-01",
"$lte": "2012-12-31"
# Finding maximum selling price using aggregation
pipeline = [
{"$unwind": "$transactions"},
{"$group": {"_id": None, "max_price": {"$max": "$transactions.selling_price"}}},
{"$project": {"_id": 0, "max_price": 1}}
result = list(apartments.aggregate(pipeline))
max_price = result[0]["max_price"]
Relational Model | NoSQL | Performance |
• SQL Queries • Normalization • Relationships • Schema Design |
• Document Databases • MongoDB Queries • Non-relational Modeling • Aggregation Pipelines |
• Indexing Strategies • Query Optimization • Execution Analysis • Performance Testing |
Transactions | Database Theory | Implementation |
• ACID Properties • Concurrency Control • Lock Management • Conflict Resolution |
• Relational Algebra • Functional Dependencies • Normal Forms • Constraints & Keys |
• Python Integration • SQLite Operations • MongoDB Access • Performance Measurement |
The implementation demonstrates significant query optimization through proper indexing:
Query execution without index: 25.25 seconds
Query execution with index: 0.17 seconds
Speedup factor: ~148x
This highlights how critical indexing is for real-world database performance, especially for frequently queried fields.
Analysis of transaction behavior reveals:
- Transaction Locks - Active transactions can block other transactions from modifying the same data
- Visibility Rules - Changes are only visible to other transactions after being committed
- Concurrent Operations - Read operations don't block other reads, but writes can block both reads and writes
- Implement more complex database scenarios
- Add distributed database examples
- Compare performance across different database engines
- Explore advanced indexing techniques
- Database Systems: The Complete Book
- MongoDB Documentation
- SQLite Documentation
- Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques