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中文模式下,数字后的标点不应该自动转换为半角 #972
句尾的數字佔比還是少,不可否認大多數情況都是小數點 |
“少”并不等于“没有”,给个选项让用户自己决定才是更合理的做法。 实际上搜索一下本项目的issues,这个问题被提出过很多次了。 |
就算加個選項又能怎樣呢,難道就能自動識別了?用戶關閉了之後又會抱怨打出3。14,2。3章這種東西 |
一個辦法是數字不直接上屏,數全寫完再按空格鍵回車鍵上屏。這樣就可以區分數字中的小數點和數字之後的句號。缺點是輸入較少的數字不如直接上屏方便。 我剛剛從你們的討論中想到,可以自動識別可能是小數點的場景,提供兩個符號候選。如果想要句號,要多打一次 . 這種方案稍稍變化一下。打到 . 可以只顯示中文句號候選,要手動按空格鍵上屏句號。如果繼續輸入數字,就自動變成小數點。 |
還有一個選項…… |
可以考虑维持立即上屏+小数点识别,但在触发小数点后再按一次句号则替换小数点成正常的句号,相当于减少一次退格键。不过我不清楚能不能在所有前端上实现 |
在当前版本的微软拼音中,并没有“数字后的句号自动转换为半角”的功能。 搜狗拼音我好久没用了,以前的话是有这个功能,并且默认是打开的,不过用户可以自主关闭。 去网上搜了一张图,“智能调整数字后标点”。虽然不知道具体怎么个智能法,但也是可以关掉的。 增加一个诸如 至于连续按两下按键,上屏不同符号的功能,貌似搜狗也是有的: 如果有大佬愿意为rime添加这个功能当然很好,但我认为即便实现了该功能,也应该给用户一个可以关闭的选项。 输入法是个高度个性化的东西,用户的环境、设备、习惯都有可能存在很大的不同。 以句号和小数点这个问题为例,对于使用104全键盘,又不在意移动手腕的用户来说,主键盘区输入句号,小键盘区输入小数点,就是一种清晰明确的输入方式。而目前的rime对于这名用户来说,需要“按两下句号,方向键左,退格,方向键右”,无疑是增加了额外的心智负担。 开发者受限于个人习惯和经验,很难穷尽一切可能的使用场景,所以我认为rime应该保持灵活强大的特色,把可配置权留给用户,而不是替用户做出选择。 |
如果你的意思是保持rime现有设计不变,让用户另外设定一个快捷键输入句号,这种设计会导致使用逻辑变得很复杂: 1、处于中文输入模式时,大部分情况下,period表示句号; 关键在于,有一部分人并不想要“数字后的某些字符自动变为半角”的功能。将该功能保持默认开启的状态,然后给一个选项让不喜欢的人关掉,皆大欢喜不好么。 |
fixes rime#972 use ascii punctuation ,.:' after numbers. they are auto-committed if followed by digit. or commit manualy with space key. double strike the key to access the original binding.
fixes rime#972 use ascii punctuation ,.:' after numbers. they are auto-committed if followed by digit. or commit manualy with space key. double strike the key to access the original binding.
fixes rime#972 use ascii punctuation ,.:' after numbers. they are auto-committed if followed by a digit. or commit manualy with space key. double strike the key to access the original binding. support half-shape and full-shape forms. opt-out with `punctuator/convert_punct_in_number: false`.
fixes rime#972 use ascii punctuation ,.:' after numbers. they are auto-committed if followed by a digit. or commit manualy with space key. double strike the key to access the original binding. support half-shape and full-shape forms. opt-out with `punctuator/convert_punct_in_number: false`.
fixes rime#972 use ascii punctuation ,.:' after numbers. they are auto-committed if followed by a digit. or commit manualy with space key. double strike the key to access the original binding. support half-shape and full-shape forms. customize string `punctuator/digit_separators` to specify which ascii characters are digit separators.
我从这里下了一个artifact-Windows-msvc-x64.zip来测试: https://github.com/rime/librime/actions/runs/12854606965
update: 找到问题了,该设置项需要写在方案的配置文件中,而非 非常感谢诸位大佬的辛勤工作。 |
Hi @lotem , I installed Squirrel 1.0.3, which I believe includes this update, but I couldn't seem to get this change to work. Here's what I want: I do not want Rime/Squirrel to detect any digit separators. If I want to enter "123,456,789", I'd prefer to switch to macOS's builtin English keyboard. How to reproduceI located First: menu:
page_size: 2 # 候选词个数 (This is just a sanity check to ensure that Rime/Squirrel actually picks up my changes in punctuator:
digit_separators: ":" (I uncommented the line (This line was originally: The behavior I observedI saw 2 candidate phrases in the menu, but when I typed The expected behaviorI should have seen Or if @oTnTh could share with me which file you tweaked and how you tweaked it, that would be great! |
First thing, don't modify default.yaml directly, use default.custom.yaml. You can check build/default.yaml to check if it's picked up |
Interesting that this isn't explicitly mentioned in the wiki (or at least it's quite difficult to find). It seems like institutional knowledge I modified But I still could only see Now if I modify Maybe this is a symptom of a deeper bug? |
For example, if you use luna_pinyin_simp, then edit luna_pinyin_simp.custom.yaml:
OK, so I finally figured out. It's a very convoluted process. I'm not using Luna pinyin, but rather I'm using iDvel/rime-ice. I installed it via And then I created patch:
punctuator/digit_separators: "" And then I had to locate I then needed to append this: digit_separators:
__include: default:/punctuator/digit_separators Thank you both! |
Rime is a platform, rime-ice and luna_pinyin_simp are schemas working on this platform. The The settings in
When upgrading Rime or schemas, the configuration files may be modified, but the custom files will not (at least they shouldn't), so the modifications you made can be retained.
If you use multiple schemas and want all of them to use the same settings, then you can use It's quite complicated indeed. I hope this can help. |
Thanks @oTnTh ! So there's at least 2 pieces of institutional knowledge, which can't be easily found in the wiki:
Version A: patch:
punctuator/digit_separators: "" Version B: patch:
digit_separators: "" Actually, I had to revert to the old method (modifying |
Click the icon of Squirrel, top-right of the screen. Or Right click if you use Windows. 日志 means log, you can find out log files here. When there is only one sub-item However, when there is more than one sub-items, they're different.
After build, you'll get:
So Version A is better for write custom file. Like XML and HTML, YAML is an open format, and its technical details are not defined by Rime. For more detail about YAML: https://yaml.org Although it is quite complicated as well. |
我和你们相反,我更喜欢数字/字母后使用标点时直接半角上屏,大不了删除重来一下。毕竟绝大部分时候数字字母后面不需要全角符号的。 这个改动修改了默认行为,Rime用户量挺大的,感觉此改动不友好。本来一下就能输入的东西,现在变成两下了。 Markdown的有序列表是 |
不确定我有没有误会你的意思,在这次的修改之后,如果在中文模式下想要连续输入“半角数字、半角句号、半角空格”,需要比以前多打一个空格。如果是这样的话,现在这个改动确实跟以前不一样了。 代码的事情我不是很熟悉,也不知道在保持现有设计的前提下好不好解决这个问题。不过要是这个问题很困扰你,可以通过回退rime版本的法子,暂时用旧版,等看看有没有更好的方法处理。 |
是的,需要多按一次空格键了。 |
根本就不要有轉換最好,程序的智能永遠比不過用戶的智能,還會起衝突。如果用戶需要同時使用。和.就分別設置按鍵就好,簡單明瞭 |
中文输入模式下可以设置为完全只使用半角标点的,所以half跟full不是问题,只是这个smart。 中文模式下输入全角,英文模式下输入半角,这是一种“确定性”。 但是输入法是一种高度个人化的东西,每个人的习惯都不同, “某些字符跟在另外一些字符后面会发生变化”,这是一种“特殊性”,如果这种功能不能关,很难做到让所有人都满意。 比如像我,也写markdown,但是从来不用有序列表。而且大部分时间我用的键盘都是104键,小键盘永远都有半角句号。 我想维护人员在修改这部分代码的时候,也是因为日常使用的时候没遇到过这种情况,所以没想到吧。 就我个人而言,如果找不到更好的处理方式,我也赞成做成一个简单的开关选项。 |
不是。原來的實現不能關閉,再者有些情況下會出 BUG,不得不改。 #980 看看效果怎樣。 另一個選項是基於現在的代碼重新實現小數點直接上屏,允許配置成跟原來的行爲一致,但不再實現原來的 BUG。 |
我一开始的念头是,退出inline将字符上屏之前,检查字符串长度或者内容。 如果长度为1,即只有一个半角标点,则上屏时多加一个空格。 如果字符串长度大于1,则保持字符串上屏不变。 不过自从我参加讨论以来,见到了各种各样不同的输入习惯,就有点怀疑,这种实现逻辑越来越复杂的弄法,会不会又引入其他的问题。 |
There will always be edge cases if you write heuristics, and sooner or later the heuristics will be very difficult to maintain and scale. I think the inherent shortcoming of heuristics is that it usually can only "look backwards", i.e., make decisions based on existing characters, rather than "look forward". An LLM (or a bespoke machine learning model) can solve this issue (it needs to "look forward" too) with high precision and high recall. But an LLM is not free and adds big latency, and a bespoke machine learning model is time consuming to train. |
我发这个的初衷是在毫无提示的情况下发现输入法的行为发生了变化,当时那一刻有点儿被冲击到了。 现在想想其实蛮能理解的,软件迭代必然会带来界面和操作逻辑发生变化,另外就是这是个基础库也没法提前告知用户。 @lotem 当前这个实现我现在觉得确实是个不错的方案。目前这个改动应该还没大面积推送到用户侧,后面可以看看其他用户的反馈再决定是否进一步改动。 @ksqsf #980 这个改动并没有完全和之前行为一致,我觉得可以暂时停一下。后面看大面积更新到用户侧之后的用户反馈,要么让用户适应新行为,要么通过开关兼容之前旧行为。如果兼容旧行为会导致代码不宜维护的话,就当前这样即可,毕竟软件长久迭代更新最重要。 感谢大家! |
哪里不一致? |
還有,如果用戶不知道要按兩次 如果讓小數點直接上屏,就會更新上屏記錄,因此不存在刪除後重複轉換成小數點的煩惱。 這個可以試試在現有代碼上改進。刪除小數點時在上屏記錄裏打標記,或者由 |
我還是認爲議主所說、逕加入一選項關閉數字後智能標點功能爲好。 現行的方案否與他家同、恐有别於諸用户習慣。 就我而言、我希望的結果還是數字後標點逕用中文、否必用如今的方式。連按㒳下句點的比起用退格刪除緟打、止少了一次按鍵。況乃否同於常時按句點的行爲、還𩓣要再適應。 如果喜歡智能標點的、自肰希望能直接輸入英文句點。像我一樣否喜歡智能標點的、則希望數字後能直接輸入中文句點。現有的折中方案、恐㒳方都否能滿意。 |
加了。現在能通過配置關閉了。 但是原來的代碼有 BUG,留不住。 |
之类的?The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: