Engage Digital provides a mobile messaging component that allows users of your app to easily communicate with your customer support agents. You can send text messages and images, and receive push notifications and automatic server-provided replies.
The component integrates nicely in any iPhone or iPad app, allows presenting the chat in tab, modal, popover or even customly designed containers and has rich customization options to fit perfectly in your application.
Please refer to Technical Website for other technical references.
Please refer to Engage Digital Messaging SDK iOS API Reference for advanced use. Alternatively, you may consult Dimelo/Dimelo.h
The Engage Digital Messaging SDK is currently supporting iOS 8.0 and above.
Follow these three mandatory steps to integrate Engage Digital Messaging in your application:
- Install the Dimelo library either via Swift Package Manager, CocoaPods or manually.
- Choose your authentication method and initialize the SDK.
- Display the Mobile Messaging in your application.
- Set
in your development builds (the milage may vary depending on your build strategy (TestFlight, Fabric.io ...) to receive push notifications. Set it back toNO
when using a distribution provisioning profil.
These are minimal steps to make the Mobile Messaging work in your app.
Read on how to customize the appearance and the behavior of the Mobile Messaging to perfectly fit in your app:
- Customize the Mobile Messaging appearance
- Add push notifications support
- Add required permissions to activate map, photo, gallery and Camera
- Add a Dimelo listener to react to SDK triggered events
You can see an example of Engage Digital Messaging implementation by downloading the Sample App.
- Navigate to your Xcode project, select
>Swift Packages
>Add Package Dependency
- Enter Package URL: https://github.com/ringcentral/engage-digital-messaging-ios.git
- Select
Exact Version
and clickAdd Package
Configure your project for CocoaPods (create a
and axcworkspace
). Refer to CocoaPods documentation to learn how to do it. -
Add "Dimelo-iOS" to your Podfile like so:
pod 'Dimelo-iOS', :git => 'https://github.com/ringcentral/engage-digital-messaging-ios.git'
pod install
to update your project. -
Include header in your app delegate:
#include "Dimelo.h"
Download contents from Github Dimelo-iOS project.
Drop the
subfolder in your project. -
Link your target with these frameworks:
- Dimelo.xcframework
- Accelerate.framework
- MobileCoreServices.framework
- SystemConfiguration.framework
- CoreLocation.framework
- MapKit.framework
- AddressBookUI.framework
Include header in your app delegate:
#include "Dimelo.h"
To support Bitcode when publishing to the App Store, create a Run Script after the Embed Frameworks and add this command :
bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/Dimelo.framework/strip_frameworks.sh"
The following code is a minimal configuration of Dimelo chat. It presents the chat, handles push notifications and displays network activity in status bar.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Engage Digital Messaging Support</string>
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "Dimelo.h"
@interface AppDelegate () <DimeloDelegate>
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
Dimelo* dimelo = [Dimelo sharedInstance];
dimelo.delegate = self;
//Authentify using build-in authentification
NSString* secret = @"YOUR SECRET API KEY";
NSString* domainName = @"YOUR DOMAIN NAME";
[dimelo initWithApiSecret:secret domainName: domainName delegate: nil];
// Authentify the user if you have an internal user_id otherwise this
// is random
dimelo.userIdentifier = @"application-user-id";
dimelo.userName = @"John Doe";
// Indicated in which environment your app is build
// to receive APNs
dimelo.developmentAPNS = NO;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[Dimelo sharedInstance] displayChatView];
return YES;
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken
// Register the device token.
[Dimelo sharedInstance].deviceToken = deviceToken;
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
if ([[Dimelo sharedInstance] consumeReceivedRemoteNotification:userInfo])
// Notification is consumed by Dimelo, do not do anything else with it.
// You app's handling of the notification.
// ...
#pragma mark - Dimelo API callbacks
- (void) dimeloDisplayChatViewController:(Dimelo*)dimelo
UIViewController* vc = [dimelo chatViewController];
vc.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemDone target:self action:@selector(closeChat:)];
[self.window.rootViewController presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];
- (void) closeChat:(id)_
[self.window.rootViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
- (void) dimeloDidBeginNetworkActivity:(Dimelo*)dimelo
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES;
- (void) dimeloDidEndNetworkActivity:(Dimelo*)dimelo
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = NO;
Dimelo 1.8.1 uses a new mandatory domain name setting (first part of your Dimelo Digital URL: domain-name.engagement.dimelo.com), so these changes must be taken into consideration:
setApiSecret: apiSecret
is now deprecated in favor ofinitWithApiSecret: secret domainName: domainName delegate: delegate
for objecive C call orinitializeWithApiSecret: secret domainName: domainName delegate: delegate
for Swift call.setApiKey: apiKey
is now deprecated in favor ofinitWithApiKey: apiKey domainName: domainName delegate: delegate
for Objective C call orinitializeWithApiKey: apiKey domainName: domainName delegate: delegate
for Swift call.setHostname: hostName
is not available anymore.
With each HTTP request, Dimelo sends a JWT (JSON Web Token).
This token contains user-specific info that you specify (userIdentifier
, userName
, company
, email
, firstname
, lastname
, homePhone
, mobilePhone
etc.) and a HMAC signature. User identifier allows Dimelo to identify author of messages from different in the agent's backend.
If user identifier is missing (nil
), then an autogenerated unique installation identifier is used to identify the user (created automatically).
If your app rely on a uniq imutable technical identifier to identify user use userIdentifier
to also identify them at the Agent interface level.
Use userName
to provide to agent a human name for the user.
Use company
to provide to agent a company for the user.
Use email
to provide to agent an email for the user.
Use firstname
to provide to agent a first name for the user.
Use lastname
to provide to agent a last name for the user.
Use homePhone
to provide to agent a home phone for the user.
Use mobilePhone
to provide to agent a mobile phone for the user.
We support two kinds of authentication modes: with adhoc JWT signing (less security) and with a remote JWT signing (recommended).
Using an API secret (deprecated in version 2.7.0
This is a convenient mode for testing and secure enough when user identifiers are unpredictable.
Here's how to create the Dimelo instance and initialize it using a built-in secret:
- Using Objective-C:
Dimelo dimelo = [Dimelo sharedInstance];
[dimelo initWithApiSecret: SOURCE_API_SECRET domainName: DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME delegate: DIMELO_LISTENER];
SOURCE_API_SECRET can be found in your source configuration
DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME is your Dimelo Digital domain name (e.g. if your Dimelo Digital url is "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.engagement.dimelo.com", then your domainName will be "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME")
DIMELO_LISTENER is an optionnal parameter that we will cover later in this document
- Using Swift:
let dimelo: Dimelo = Dimelo.sharedInstance()
dimelo.initialize(withApiSecret: SOURCE_API_SECRET, domainName: DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME, delegate: DIMELO_LISTENER)
SOURCE_API_SECRET can be found in your source configuration
DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME is your Dimelo Digital domain name (e.g. if your Dimelo Digital url is "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.engagement.dimelo.com", then your domainName will be "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME")
DIMELO_LISTENER is an optionnal parameter that we will cover later in this document
Note: To support hostname configuration, here's how to create the Dimelo instance and initialize it using a built-in secret:
- Using Objective-C:
Dimelo dimelo = [Dimelo sharedInstance];
[dimelo initializeWithApiSecretAndHostName: SOURCE_API_SECRET hostName: DIMELO_HOST_NAME delegate: DIMELO_LISTENER];
SOURCE_API_SECRET can be found in your source configuration
DIMELO_HOST_NAME is your hostname (e.g. if your Dimelo Digital url is "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.engagement.dimelo.com", then your hostName will be "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.messaging.dimelo.com")
DIMELO_LISTENER is an optionnal parameter that we will cover later in this document
- Using Swift:
let dimelo: Dimelo = Dimelo.sharedInstance()
dimelo.initialize(withApiSecretAndHostName: SOURCE_API_SECRET, hostName: DIMELO_HOST_NAME, delegate: DIMELO_LISTENER)
SOURCE_API_SECRET can be found in your source configuration
DIMELO_HOST_NAME is your hostname (e.g. if your Dimelo Digital url is "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.engagement.dimelo.com", then your hostName will be "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.messaging.dimelo.com")
DIMELO_LISTENER is an optionnal parameter that we will cover later in this document
Then it will create and sign JWT automatically when needed (as if it was provided by the server).
You simply set necessary user-identifying information and JWT will be computed on the fly. You do not need any cooperation with your server in this setup.
The security issue here is that built-in secret is rather easy to extract from the app's binary build. Anyone could then sign JWTs with arbitrary user identifying info to access other users' chats and impersonate them. To mitigate that risk make sure to use this mode only during development, or ensure that user identifiers are not predictable (e.g. random UUIDs).
Using a token (added in version 2.7.0
Here's how to create the Dimelo instance and initialize it with a token, a JWT key ID and a JWT secret:
- Using Objective-C:
Dimelo dimelo = [Dimelo sharedInstance];
[dimelo initializeWithToken: token hostname: hostname jwtKeyId: jwtKeyId jwtSecret: jwtSecret delegate: delegate];
- Using Swift:
let dimelo: Dimelo = Dimelo.sharedInstance()
dimelo.initialize(withtoken: token, hostname: hostname, jwtKeyId: jwtKeyId, jwtSecret: jwtSecret, delegate: delegate)
Parameter | Description |
token |
can be found in your Engage Messaging channel administration page |
hostname |
can be found in your Engage Messaging channel administration page |
jwtKeyId |
can be found in your Engage Messaging community administration page |
jwtSecret |
can be found in your Engage Messaging community administration page |
delegate |
optional parameter that will be covered later in this document |
Then it will create and sign JWT automatically when needed (as if it was provided by the server).
You simply set necessary user-identifying information and JWT will be computed on the fly. You do not need any cooperation with your server in this setup.
[!WARNING] The security issue here is that built-in secret is rather easy to extract from the app's binary build. Anyone could then sign JWTs with arbitrary user identifying info to access other users' chats and impersonate them. To mitigate that risk make sure to use this mode only during development, or ensure that user identifiers are not predictable (e.g. random UUIDs).
Using the public API key (deprecated in version 2.7.0
This is a more secure mode. Engage Digital will provide you with two keys: a public API key and a secret key.
The public one will be used to configure Dimelo
instance and identify your app.
The secret key will be stored on your server and used to sign JWT token on your server.
Here's how create the Dimelo instance and initialize it using a server-side secret:
- Using Objective-C:
Dimelo dimelo = [Dimelo sharedInstance];
[dimelo initWithApiKey: SOURCE_API_KEY domainName: DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME delegate: DIMELO_LISTENER];
SOURCE_API_KEY can be found in your source configuration
DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME is your Dimelo Digital domain name (e.g. if your Dimelo Digital url is "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.engagement.dimelo.com", then your domainName will be "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME")
DIMELO_LISTENER is an optionnal parameter that we will cover later in this document
- Using Swift:
let dimelo: Dimelo = Dimelo.sharedInstance()
dimelo.initialize(withApiKey: SOURCE_API_KEY, domainName: DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME, delegate: DIMELO_LISTENER)
SOURCE_API_KEY can be found in your source configuration
DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME is your Dimelo Digital domain name (e.g. if your Dimelo Digital url is "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.engagement.dimelo.com", then your domainName will be "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME")
DIMELO_LISTENER is an optionnal parameter that we will cover later in this document
Note: To support hostname configuration, here's how to create the Dimelo instance and initialize it using a server-side secret:
- Using Objective-C:
Dimelo dimelo = [Dimelo sharedInstance];
[dimelo initializeWithApiKeyAndHostName: SOURCE_API_KEY hostName: DIMELO_HOST_NAME delegate: DIMELO_LISTENER];
SOURCE_API_KEY can be found in your source configuration
DIMELO_HOST_NAME is your hostname (e.g. if your Dimelo Digital url is "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.engagement.dimelo.com", then your hostName will be "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.messaging.dimelo.com")
DIMELO_LISTENER is an optionnal parameter that we will cover later in this document
- Using Swift:
let dimelo: Dimelo = Dimelo.sharedInstance()
dimelo.initialize(withApiKeyAndHostName: SOURCE_API_KEY, hostName: DIMELO_HOST_NAME, delegate: DIMELO_LISTENER)
SOURCE_API_KEY can be found in your source configuration
DIMELO_HOST_NAME is your hostname (e.g. if your Dimelo Digital url is "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.engagement.dimelo.com", then your hostName will be "DIMELO_DOMAIN_NAME.messaging.dimelo.com")
DIMELO_LISTENER is an optionnal parameter that we will cover later in this document
Once this is done you will have to set jwt
property manually with a value received from your server.
This way your server will prevent one user from impersonating another.
- Set authentication-related properties (
). - Get a dictionary for JWT using
[Dimelo jwtDictionary]
. This will also contain public API key,installationIdentifier
etc. - Send this dictionary to your server.
- Check the authenticity of the JWT dictionary on the server and compute a valid signed JWT token. Use a corresponding secret API key to make a HMAC-SHA256 signature. Note: use raw binary value of the secret key (decoded from hex) to make a signature. Using hex string as-is will yield incorrect signature.
- Send the signed JWT string back to your app.
- In the app, set the
property with a received string.
/!\ [Dimelo setUserIdentifier];
, [Dimelo setAuthenticationInfo];
, [Dimelo setUserName];
, [Dimelo setCompany];
, [Dimelo setEmail];
, [Dimelo setFirstname];
, [Dimelo setLastname];
, [Dimelo setHomePhone];
and [Dimelo setMobilePhone];
must only be called BEFORE [Dimelo setJwt];
otherwise your JWT will be emptied and your request will end up in a 404 error.
You have to do this authentication only once per user identifier, but before you try to use Engage Digital Messaging. Your application should prevent user from opening a Mobile Messaging until you receive a JWT token.
Using a token (added in version 2.7.0
This is a more secure mode.
Here's how create the Dimelo instance and initialize it using a server-side signed JWT:
- Using Objective-C:
Dimelo dimelo = [Dimelo sharedInstance];
[dimelo initializeWithToken: token hostname: hostname delegate: delegate];
- Using Swift:
let dimelo: Dimelo = Dimelo.sharedInstance()
dimelo.initialize(withToken: token, hostname: hostname, delegate: delegate)
Parameter | Description |
token |
can be found in your Engage Messaging channel admin page |
hostname |
can be found in your Engage Messaging channel admin page |
delegate |
optional parameter that will be covered later in this document |
Once this is done you will have to set jwt
property manually with a value received from your server.
This way your server will prevent one user from impersonating another.
Set user-related properties (
). -
Get the JWT payload by calling
[Dimelo jwtDictionary]
. It will return aNSDictionary
that contains the user-related properties set in the previous step as well as thetoken
and aninstallationId
(both of these are really important and should not be omitted). -
Send this dictionary to your server.
Check the authenticity of the JWT payload on the server and compute a signed JWT. You will find your JWT secret and JWT key ID (required for the JWT signature) in:
- Your Engage Messaging channel admin page (for RingCX users).
- Your Engage Messaging commnity profile admin page (for Engage Digital users).
⚠️ The JWT must be signed using the JWT secret and must include the JWT key ID as thekid
in the JWT header.ℹ️ Please note that we currently only support HS256 and RS256 algorithms.
Send the signed JWT string back to your app.
In the app, set the
property with a received string.
/!\ [Dimelo setUserIdentifier];
, [Dimelo setAuthenticationInfo];
, [Dimelo setUserName];
, [Dimelo setCompany];
, [Dimelo setEmail];
, [Dimelo setFirstname];
, [Dimelo setLastname];
, [Dimelo setHomePhone];
and [Dimelo setMobilePhone];
must only be called BEFORE [Dimelo setJwt];
otherwise your JWT will be emptied and your request will end up in a 404 error.
You have to do this authentication only once per user identifier, but before you try to use Engage Digital Messaging. Your application should prevent user from opening a Mobile Messaging until you receive a JWT token.
Dimelo provides an opaque UIViewController
instance that you can display how you want (created by -[Dimelo chatViewController]
). You may put it as a tab in a UITabBarController
, show in a popover or present modally. You can also use transitioningDelegate
to present chat view controller in a very custom way.
You can present chat manually (e.g. user taps a button to open "support"),
or the chat may appear automatically (mediated by the delegate method -dimeloDisplayChatViewController:
Note: When the dimelo view is integrated as a fragment and to prevent input accessory view conflict, you should present it in full screen when it's opened from a push notification by calling:
if (dimelo.embeddedAsFragment && dimelo.openedFromNotification) {
vc.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;
The chat is displayed automatically in two cases:
When the user launches or activates the app using a push notification.
When the user taps in-app notification bar that slides from the top in case a new message arrives while chat is not visible.
To display the chat manually and reuse the code in -dimeloDisplayChatViewController:
, call -[Dimelo displayChatView]
. When necessary, you can request another instance of a chat view controller (-[Dimelo chatViewController]
) to show the chat in some other context.
Note: When the dimelo view is integrated as a fragment and to prevent input accessory view conflict, you should present it in full screen when it's opened from a push notification by calling:
if (dimelo.embeddedAsFragment && dimelo.openedFromNotification) {
vc.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;
see how to customize Dimelo using plist
We provide a lot of properties for you to make the chat look native to your application.
For your convenience, properties are organized in two groups: Basic and Advanced. In many cases it would be enough to adjust the Basic properties only.
You can customize global tint color, navigation bar colors and title. You can also change the font and the color of any text in the chat view.
Advanced options include images and content insets for text bubbles. We use 5 kinds of messages. Each kind can be customized independently.
- User's text message.
- User's image attachment.
- Agent's text message.
- Agent's image attachment.
- System text notification (automatic reply from the server).
All bubble images must be 9-part sliced resizable images to fit arbitrary content.
Text bubbles may have images in two rendering modes: normal and template.
In normal mode, the image is displayed as-is.
In template mode it is colored using properties userMessageBackgroundColor
, agentMessageBackgroundColor
Default images use template mode.
If you provide a custom bubble image for text, you should also update
properties to arrange your text correctly within a bubble.
Attachment bubbles only use alpha channel of the image to mask the image preview. Insets do not apply to attachment bubbles.
You can also create a DimeloConfig.plist
file and add it to your project.
The library will use it to configure the Dimelo
shared instance.
to customize the navigation bar tint color anymore. See this Apple developer thread for more information.
Please refer to the Notifications.md file for guidance on how to integrate the Engage Digital Messaging SDK notifications into your application.
By default, Dimelo
updates app's badge number automatically based on number of unread messages.
If your application has its own unread count, you might want to disable this behaviour by setting
property to NO
. Then you can access the Dimelo-only unread count using unreadCount
Note: If you use fetchUnreadCountWithCompletionHandler
, all treatments that updates the UI must be done in main thread:
[[Dimelo sharedInstance] fetchUnreadCountWithCompletionHandler:^(NSInteger unreadCount, NSError *error) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// update UI
To access all the features of the Engage Digital Messaging SDK, some permissions have to be defined inside your project info.plist:
XCode Key | Raw Info.plist Key | Used for |
Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description | NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription | Used to allow the user to choose images from its photo album to send them as attachment |
Privacy - Camera Usage Description | NSCameraUsageDescription | Used to allow the user to take pictures from its camera to send them as attachment |
Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description | NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription | User to allow the user to send a location as attachment |
is not needed anymore as the Engage Digital Messaging SDK uses the new PHPickerViewController
which does not require to prompt user for permission.
If these permissions are not provided, the corresponding options will be hidden from the user.
To support localization, add these keys (NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
, NSCameraUsageDescription
and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
) to the InfoPlist.strings
Please refer to Localization.md for guidance on strings customization
We provide two ways to react to various events in the char:
By implementing a
protocol. -
By subscribing to
For your convenince all notifications have a corresponding delegate method (e.g. -dimeloUnreadCountDidChange:
), so you don't have to subscribe to them explicitly if you
wish to process events in DimeloDelegate
Two particular events that might be interesting to you are -dimeloDidBeginNetworkActivity:
, -dimeloDidEndNetworkActivity:
. Engage Digital Messaging does not change the status bar network activity
indicator to avoid conflicts with your app. If you would like to indicate it, you should
override these methods and update the activity indicator accordingly.
Note: If you have treatments that updates the UI in dimeloUnreadCountDidChange
, dimeloDidBeginNetworkActivity
or dimeloDidEndNetworkActivity
you have to do it in main thread: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{})
Use -onOpen:
and -onClose:
events to get informations using dimelo
parameter when the chat view is just opened or closed.
Use the -rcShouldDelegateUrlOpening:
event to control what should happen when a URL is going to be opened by the Engage Digital Messaging iOS SDK:
- return
to let the Engage Digital Messaging iOS SDK open the URL. - return
to prevent the Engage Digital Messaging iOS SDK from opening the URL so that you can apply your own logic.
Please refer to API reference documentation for more information.
The Engage Digital Messaging iOS SDK exposes the (void)openWebView:(NSURL *)url heightMode:(RcWebViewHeightMode)heightMode
method to allow you to manually open a WebView.
This method takes 2 parameters:
- The
parameter is aNSURL
that represents the URL you want to open in the WebView. - The
parameter is aRcWebViewHeightMode
that represents the height of the WebView (based on the WebView's container size), its value can be:
Value | Container's height |
100% |
75% |
50% |