RingCentral Call Control JS SDK is wrapper of RingCentral JS SDK to help developers call RingCentral Call Control API more functionally.
We added the following key features to do the heavy lifting for you.
- Call session management to load existing call sessions or create call session.
- Call session event. Handle telephony session notifications, manage call session lifecycle
- Call session management with functional API.
- Devices management to load user’s devices.
Notice: This library doesn't provide ability of voice transmission. For working with WebRTC
voice transimission, please use RingCentral Call JS SDK. It combines WebRTC voice transimission and Call Control RESTful APIs.
- You will need an active RingCentral account to create RingCentral app. Don't have an account? Get your Free RingCentral Developer Account Now!
- A RingCentral app
- App type: Browser-Based or Server/Web
- Permissions: 'Call Control', 'Read Accounts', 'Read Presence', 'Webhook Subscriptions'
Use npm or yarn
$ yarn add @ringcentral/sdk @ringcentral/subscriptions ringcentral-call-control
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/es6-promise@latest/dist/es6-promise.auto.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/pubnub@latest/dist/web/pubnub.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/whatwg-fetch@latest/dist/fetch.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/@ringcentral/sdk@latest/dist/ringcentral.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/@ringcentral/subscriptions@latest/dist/ringcentral-subscriptions.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/ringcentral-call-control@0.2.0/build/index.js"></script>
For this example you will also need to have RingCentral JS SDK and RingCentral JS Subscriptions SDK installed.
Configure and new Call Control instance:
// npm import
// import { RingCentralCallControl } from 'ringcentral-call-control';
// or use CDN
// window.RingCentralCallControl
var appClientId = '...';
var appClientSecret = '...';
var appName = '...';
var appVersion = '...';
var sdk = new RingCentral.SDK({
clientId: appClientId,
clientSecret: appClientSecret,
appName: appName,
appVersion: appVersion,
server: RingCentral.SDK.server.production // or .sandbox
var subscriptions = new RingCentral.Subscriptions({
sdk: sdk
var platform = sdk.platform();
username: '...',
password: '...'
.then(function() {
var rcCallControl = new RingCentralCallControl({ sdk: sdk });
var subscription = subscriptions.createSubscription();
subscription.on(subscription.events.notification, function(msg) {
return rcCallControl;
$ git clone https://github.com/ringcentral/ringcentral-call-control-js.git
$ cd ringcentral-call-control-js
$ yarn
$ yarn build
$ yarn start
Open http://localhost:8080/demo/
, and login with RingCentral Sandbox account to test.
Get online demo here.
Firstly, we need to create Call Control instance after user login with RingCentral JS SDK. Then connect onNotificationEvent
with subscription notification event.
var rcCallControl = new RingCentralCallControl({ sdk: sdk });
var initialized = false;
var subscription = subscriptions.createSubscription();
subscription.on(subscription.events.notification, function(msg) {
rcCallControl.on('initialized', function() {
initialized = true;
var session = null;
rcCallControl.on('new', (newSession) => {
session = newSession;
rcCallControl.on('initialized', function() {
initialized = true;
var sessions = rcCallControl.sessions;
var session = null;
var deviceId = rcCallControl.devices.filter(d => d.status === 'Online')[0].id;
rcCallControl.createCall(deviceId, { phoneNumber: 'phoneNumberToCall' }).then((newSession) => {
session = newSession;
// ...
Drops a call session.
Puts the party to stand-alone mode and starts to play Hold Music according to configuration & state to peers. There is a known limitation for Hold API - hold via REST API doesn't work with hold placed via RingCentral apps or HardPhone. It means that if you muted participant via Call Control API and RingCentral Desktop app, then you need to unhold both endpoints to remove Hold Music and bring media back.
Callee will be put on mute or unmute
session.ignore({ deviceId: 'your_device_id' }).then(...);
session.answer({ deviceId: 'your_device_id' }).then(...);
session.reply({ replyWithText: 'On my way' }).then(...);
replyWithPattern: {
pattern: 'WillCallYouBack',
time: 10,
timeUnit: 'Minute'
Distributes a non-answered call to the defined target. Applicable for "Setup" or "Proceeding" states
session.forward({ phoneNumber: 'phoneNumber' }).then(...);
Transfers a party by placing a new call to the specified target
session.transfer({ phoneNumber: 'phoneNumber' }).then(...);
Performs call flip procedure by holding opposite party and calling to the specified target.
session.flip({ callFlipId: 'callFlipId' }).then(...);
Performs call park procedure to set on park one of the call parties in call dialog.
Starts a new call recording for the party
Pause/resume recording
Allows to monitor a call in 'Listen' mode. Input parameters should contain extension number of a monitored user and internal identifier of a supervisor's device. Call session should be specified in path. Currently is not supported for Sandbox environment.
mode: 'Listen',
deviceId: 'your deviceId',
extensionNumber: 'extensionNumber'
session.on('status', (event) => {
// on status changed
var party = event.party;
var status = party.status;
// ...
session.on('muted', () => {
// on muted changed
var muted = session.muted;
// ...
Get current extension's all devices:
var devices = rcCallControl.devices;
Refresh devices:
rcCallControl.refreshDevices().then(() => {
var devices = rcCallControl.devices;