A JavaScript library for interacting with Steem in Node.js and the browser
- Connect to one/multiple Steem server in JavaScript (Node.js or browser)
- Issue steem API requests
- Listen to events on Steem (blocks, transactions, etc.)
- Sign and submit transactions to Steem blockchain
Via npm for Node.js
$ npm install steem-lib
Building steem-lib for browser environments
steem-lib uses Gulp to generate browser builds. These steps will generate minified and non-minified builds of steem-lib in the build/
$ git clone https://github.com/ripplerm/steem-lib
$ npm install
$ npm run build
(remote.js) is the point of entry for interacting with Steem
/* Loading steem-lib with Node.js */
var Remote = require('steem-lib').Remote;
var remote = new Remote({
servers: [
url: "wss://steemd.steemit.com",
primary: true,
username: '',
password: '',
url: "wss://steemit.com/wspa",
username: '',
password: '',
remote.connect(function() {
console.log('connected to Steem servers');
remote.getDynamicGlobalProperties(function(err, res) {
// make api request
remote.get_accounts(['dan', 'ned'], function (err, res) {
console.log(err, res);
// import signing keys for an account (use for signing)
var account = "account-name-here";
var key = "wif-key-here";
remote.setKey(account, key);
/* // from steemit accountname + password
var account = "account-name-here";
var pass = "steemit-password-here";
remote.setAuth(account, pass);
// transaction construction and broadcast
var tx = remote.transaction(account);
tx.add_operation('transfer', {
from: account,
to: "the-recipient-account",
amount: "0.001 STEEM",
memo: "payment for xxx"
tx.broadcast(function (err, res){
// process err or result.
// listening to new (last-irreversible) blocks
remote.on('block', function (block) {
//process block data.
// stop streaming.