Example app for MongoDB Stitch to showcase Stitch's QueryAnywhere / Rules feature, which enables RESTful APIs on top of MongoDB Atlas to easily query the data from other applications.
Create a MongoDB cluster and import the data:
mongoimport --uri="mongodb+srv://USERNAME:PASSWORD@ATLAS_CLUSTER_NAME.mongodb.net/mongomart" -c reviews --file=data/reviews.json
mongoimport --uri="mongodb+srv://USERNAME:PASSWORD@ATLAS_CLUSTER_NAME.mongodb.net/mongomart" -c item --file=data/item.json
After importing the data, create a Stitch app and link it to the cluster that you have just imported the data to. For more information on how to create a Stitch app, see: https://docs.mongodb.com/stitch/procedures/create-stitch-app/
Once you have created the Stitch app, do the following:
- Turn on Anonymous authentication using the toggle of Step 2 on the Getting Started page.
- Using the navigation on the left, go to Rules and create the following rules:
- On the Rules page, click on the ellipsis next to the name of your linked cluster, click Add
- As database name use mongomart, as collection name use item, and as template select Users can only read all data. Click Add Collection.
- Add another rule:
- As database name use mongomart, as collection name use reviews, and as template select Users can read all data, but only write their own data. Enter userid as Field Name For User ID. Click Add Collection.
- Add one final rule:
- As database name use mongomart and as collection name use users. Please note that the
users collection doesn't exist yet, so you will have to create it by typing its name and
clicking on Create "users" or hitting Return. As template select Users can only read and
write their own data. Enter _id as Field Name For User ID. Click Add Collection.
- For more fine-grained access controls, you can set write access on the cart field so that users cannot update their username but can only update their cart. You can do this by clicking Add Field and enter cart as the fieldname. Then uncheck the box All additional fields under the column Write.
- As database name use mongomart and as collection name use users. Please note that the
users collection doesn't exist yet, so you will have to create it by typing its name and
clicking on Create "users" or hitting Return. As template select Users can only read and
write their own data. Enter _id as Field Name For User ID. Click Add Collection.
- On the Rules page, click on the ellipsis next to the name of your linked cluster, click Add
Finally, copy the App ID that is displayed on the top left of the screen. This app ID needs to be used by the front-end application in the next step.
The application is built using React. To install and run the application NPM or Yarn is required.
First, update the Stitch App ID in the application by editing src/config.js
and replacing
YOUR_STITCH_APP_ID on line 2 with your Stitch App ID.
Then update the Stitch Service Names by editing the stitchClusterNames
variable in the same file
on line 6-10. The service names are the names you have given to any linked clusters when creating
the Stitch app or when linking an Atlas Cluster to the app. Each of the three collections can be
hosted on a separate cluster or all on the same. In case of the latter you can use the same name
for each cluster.
Finally, change the name, email address and phone number for the user by editing the jwtUser
variable on line 14-18. This information is used by some of the Stitch Triggers and Stitch
Functions that sent notifications over email and phone.
To install and run the application:
$ npm install
$ npm start
You should now be able to view the application by opening http://localhost:3000 in the browser.
You can use Stitch Hosting to host the React app. First build the application:
$ npm run build
Now go to Stitch Hosting and enable Stitch Hosting if you haven't done so yet. Then click on Upload Files and upload all of the files of the build directory. You have to create all of the subfolders manually. Once you've finished uploading, go to the tab Settings and configure a Custom 404 Page by clicking Choose File. Browse to the file 404.html and click on Select a File and hit Save. Any 404 pages will now use the 404.html file which contains a workaround to enable React Routing.