Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. Protractor is a Node.js program built on top of WebDriverJS. Protractor runs tests against your application running in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would.
The Protractor documentation for users is located in the protractor/docs folder.
To get set up and running quickly:
- The Protractor Website
- Work through the Tutorial
- Take a look at the Table of Contents
Once you are familiar with the tutorial, you’re ready to move on. To modify your environment, see the Protractor Setup docs. To start writing tests, see the Protractor Tests docs.
To better understand how Protractor works with the Selenium WebDriver and Selenium Sever see the reference materials.
Clone the github repository:
git clone
cd protractor
npm install
Start up a selenium server. By default, the tests expect the selenium server to be running at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
Protractor's test suite runs against the included test application. Start that up with
npm start
Then run the tests with
npm test