I'm an Australian 🇦🇺 entrepreneur with experience in a wide range of technology companies. I work on a bunch of open source projects (see below) and blog about startups and tech. You can hire me for your next project.
In the past, I created and released the Phinx (4.4k ⭐️) open-source database migrations tool and released a set of production-grade infrastructure modules for Google Cloud. I also integrated GCP support into Terratest (An open-source IaC testing tool) and created a product for hosting Magento on AWS.
- robmorgan/infraspec - InfraSpec is a tool for running infrastructure tests written in pure Gherkin syntax (2 days ago)
- robmorgan/halo - ⭕️ Halo is a real-time lighting console, designed to bring modern, immersive experiences into the hands of solo performers (1 week ago)
- robmorgan/halo-tc-ui - Halo UI Experiments (1 week ago)
- robmorgan/sample-node-app - Sample Node.js App for use with Google Cloud Build + Cloud Run (2 weeks ago)
- gruntwork-io/terratest - Terratest is a Go library that makes it easier to write automated tests for your infrastructure code. (1 month ago)
- Verbosity Flag and Output UX Improvements on robmorgan/infraspec (2 days ago)
- Setup CI on robmorgan/infraspec (3 days ago)
- README Update on robmorgan/halo (1 week ago)
- UI MVP on robmorgan/halo (1 week ago)
- Fix build 2 on robmorgan/halo (1 week ago)
- robmorgan/halo-tc-ui - Halo UI Experiments
- robmorgan/infraspec - InfraSpec is a tool for running infrastructure tests written in pure Gherkin syntax
- robmorgan/swimset - Swimming Workout Generator
- robmorgan/homelab - My HomeLab Setup
- robmorgan/halo - ⭕️ Halo is a real-time lighting console, designed to bring modern, immersive experiences into the hands of solo performers
- gruntwork-io/terragrunt (v0.75.3, 2 days ago) - Terragrunt is a flexible orchestration tool that allows Infrastructure as Code written in OpenTofu/Terraform to scale.
- robmorgan/infraspec (v0.0.4, 2 days ago) - InfraSpec is a tool for running infrastructure tests written in pure Gherkin syntax
- cli/cli (v2.68.1, 3 days ago) - GitHub’s official command line tool
- gruntwork-io/patcher-action (v2, 1 week ago) - A GitHub Action for running Patcher, including setting up promotion workflows.
- RandomStudio/tether-artnet-controller (v0.8.6, 2 weeks ago) - A software lighting desk with remote control features
- robmorgan/halo - ⭕️ Halo is a real-time lighting console, designed to bring modern, immersive experiences into the hands of solo performers (1 day ago)
- robmorgan/infraspec - InfraSpec is a tool for running infrastructure tests written in pure Gherkin syntax (3 days ago)
- anthropics/claude-code - Claude Code is an agentic coding tool that lives in your terminal, understands your codebase, and helps you code faster by executing routine tasks, explaining complex code, and handling git workflows - all through natural language commands. (1 week ago)
- emilk/egui_plot - 2D plotting library in Rust for egui (3 weeks ago)
- brikis98/devops-book - Code samples for the book and blog post series "Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery" by Yevgeniy Brikman (3 weeks ago)