This project is a web application to provide PTAX exchange rates history of several currencies by the open data API of Central Bank of Brazil.
PTAX is an exchange rate calculated by the Central Bank of Brazil during one day. Every working day the Central Bank makes four consults of the rates of buy and sell that a currency is being negotiated based on Brazilian Real. PTAX is used, as well, by Brazilian financial institutions to calculates the value, in Brazilian Real (R$), to charge their clients who expense in other currencies.
Here you can find all the open APIs served by the Central Bank of Brazil:
To see the specific PTAX API check out the link below:
Check out the demo website clicking here.
PS: Only in portguese so far.
Make sure you have a recent version of Node.js installed in your development environment. At this point, I'm using an LTS version.
Clone the Repository
$ git clone
Install the Dependencies
$ npm install
$ npm start
- React
- Typescript
- Jest
- Enzyme
- CSS and React-Bootstrap
- DDD concepts