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Actinium is an experimental real-time kernel for separately compiled coroutines. It provides both hardware-assisted scheduling and memory protection for fault isolation. Also, it is small and simple. Kernel code is currently written in C but unprivileged tasks may be written in either C, C++ or Rust. Please note it is under development and should not be used in security/safety-critical projects.


  • Preemptive multitasking
  • Hard real-time capability
  • Tasks are separately compiled and run in unprivileged mode
  • Region-based memory protection
  • Zero-copy message passing communication
  • Timer facility
  • No heap required, no dynamic memory allocation in the kernel
  • ARM Cortex-M3/M4 (with MPU) and RISC-V (with PMP) are supported

Design principles

  1. Actor-based execution model. Most of MCU-based embedded systems are reactive so full-fledged threads are often too heavyweight because of the requirement to allocate a stack for each thread. Actors use one stack per priority level as they are run-to-completion routines. Modern languages allow to implement actors that look and behave as threads but need less resources. Finally, actors simplify real-time analysis.
  2. Hardware-assisted scheduling. Modern interrupt controllers implement prioritized actor model in hardware. Actor's priorities are mapped to interrupt priorities, thus scheduling and preemption operations are effectively implemented by the interrupt controller. It boosts performance and reduces code size.
  3. Memory protection. Actinium is designed for embedded systems with reliability requirements. Each actor is compiled as separate binary executable and isolated within memory regions using MPU (memory protection unit). Actor's crash may not cause the whole system to fail.
  4. Zero-copy message-passing communication. Actors communicate using messages and channels. However, messages are always passed by reference, so sending 1Kb and 1Gb message takes exactly the same time. Message passing is the only communication method at now.
  5. Fault-tolerance and 'let it crash' principle. When the framework encounters crash condition, e.g. invalid memory reference, wrong syscall number, exception, etc. the erronous actor is automatically marked for restart. Clients and servers may not trust each other, IPC protocol ensures possibility for system recovery.


The system is protected from the following bugs/attack vectors:

  • channel misuse: channels that are used by unprivileged actors are identified by ids, not pointers. Ids are validated before use, therefore actors cannot post to/get messages from arbitrary channels, only allowed ones may be used. Also it is impossible to post message of wrong type since both messages and channels have type ids.
  • message leaks: actor is allowed to own just a single message at any time. Post/get another message causes the owned message to be freed.
  • memory unsafety: invalid instructions or memory references beyond allowed areas cause exceptions and restart of the actor.
  • stack corruption: insufficient stack space including the case of preemption is also detected.

The kernel does not use neither any pointers to unprivileged data nor callbacks, so syscall interface may not by subjected to this type of attacks. In the current version stacks are not cleared between actor activations for performance reasons. This may cause data leaks between actors, but may be fixed if needed. Actors should not have access to DMA controller, otherwise any protection may be compromised.

When actor crashes while holding a message the message is freed and marked as 'poisoned'. This mechanism allows to implement reliable request-reply protocol even when both client and server are unreliable.


file at /core description
arch/armv7m hardware abstraction layer for ARMv7-M
arch/rv32 hardware abstraction layer for RISC-V
arch/test abstraction layer for hosted environment
actinium.h cross-platform framework functions
rust_task library for Rust tasks support
cpp_task library for C++ tasks support
c_task library for C tasks support linker script generator to place kernel and actors in memory

The demo (for STM32)

The demo contains two tasks: sender and controller. The 'sender' sends requests to toggle LED to 'controller' who has access to the corresponding peripheral. Both tasks crash periodically after few activations but they're restarted by exceptions and the system continues to work. This demonstrates 'let it crash' principle: even when no task is reliable the whole system works as designed. To build the demo run


in the demo folder (provided that arm-none-eabi- toolchain is available via PATH). This yields image.elf file containing all the tasks and the kernel ready for flashing.

Original tasks (task0.c and task1.c) are simple and written in C. However, since actors are inherently 'async' writing them in C requres some efforts because of no async/await functionality in the language.

There are two demo modifications: 'sender' in C++20 and 'controller' in Rust.

Modified controller interprets 'LED on' and 'LED off' messages as 'blink once' and 'blink twice' so it is visually distinguishable from C demo. To build the demo modification run:

    make rust_example


    make cpp_example

Then run:


To build the executable image with modified tasks.

Why Actinium?

It is two words 'actor' and 'tiny' combined in a way to form chemical element name. Also it emphasizes that this is an evolution of the magnesium framework.