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“Manage your forms easily with powerful tools: TypoScript based validation, Fluid view helpers, a whole JavaScript API, and more. Use pre-defined layouts for Twitter Bootstrap and Foundation to build nice-looking forms in minutes. Need to build a basic form with only two fields? Need to build a huge registration form with dozens of fields? Use FormZ, it will live up to your expectations!”
❗ This PHP library has been developed for
TYPO3 CMS and is intended to TYPO3 extension developers.
Join the discussion on Slack in channel #ext-formz! – You don't have access to TYPO3 Slack? Get your Slack invitation by clicking here!
Forms are common elements in the conception of a website, as they allow a direct interaction between the user and the application. Technically, setting up a form can quickly become complex and require a lot of time: many aspects must be considered: style, display conditions, validation, security…
This is why FormZ was born: to facilitate the set up and the maintenance of a form, by providing tools that are simple and fast to use, but also powerful and flexible enough to fulfill every need.
FormZ helps with the following topics:
HTML – tools are provided for Fluid, to facilitate integration.
Validation – with a TypoScript based configuration, every field's validation rule is easy to set up and maintain.
Style – an advanced “data attributes” system allows FormZ to fulfill almost all possible display needs.
UX – a whole JavaScript API is provided to make the user experience as fast and as pleasant as possible.
Code generation – FormZ can generate JavaScript and CSS, which are then injected into the page and will automatize a huge part of the client-sided behaviours.
Nothing can be more interesting than a little example to understand how it works.
➡️ You can download an extension which provides a form example here: https://github.com/romm/formz_example/
Live example:
TypoScript configuration:
config.tx_formz {
forms {
Romm\FormzExample\Form\ExampleForm {
fields {
name {
validation {
required < config.tx_formz.validators.required
firstName {
validation {
required < config.tx_formz.validators.required
email {
validation {
required < config.tx_formz.validators.required
isEmail < config.tx_formz.validators.email
behaviours {
toLowerCase < config.tx_formz.behaviours.toLowerCase
gender {
validation {
required < config.tx_formz.validators.required
isValid < config.tx_formz.validators.containsValues
isValid {
options {
values {
10 = male
20 = female
PHP form model:
namespace Romm\FormzExample\Form;
use Romm\Formz\Form\FormInterface;
use Romm\Formz\Form\FormTrait;
class ExampleForm implements FormInterface
use FormTrait;
* @var string
protected $email;
* @var string
protected $name;
* @var string
protected $firstName;
* @var string
protected $gender;
// Setters and getters...
Fluid template:
<fz:form action="submitForm" name="exampleForm">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 form-group">
<fz:field name="firstName" layout="bootstrap3">
<fz:option name="label" value="First name" />
<fz:option name="required" value="1" />
<fz:slot name="Field">
<f:form.textfield class="{inputClass}" property="{fieldName}" id="{fieldId}" placeholder="First name" />
<div class="col-md-6 form-group">
<fz:field name="name" layout="bootstrap3">
<fz:option name="label" value="Name" />
<fz:option name="required" value="1" />
<fz:slot name="Field">
<f:form.textfield class="{inputClass}" property="{fieldName}" id="{fieldId}" placeholder="Name" />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 form-group">
<fz:field name="email" layout="bootstrap3">
<fz:option name="label" value="Email" />
<fz:option name="required" value="1" />
<fz:slot name="Field">
<f:form.textfield class="{inputClass}" property="{fieldName}" id="{fieldId}" placeholder="Email" />
<div class="col-md-6 form-group">
<fz:field name="gender" layout="bootstrap3">
<fz:option name="label" value="Gender" />
<fz:option name="required" value="1" />
<fz:slot name="Field">
<label for="{fieldId}-female">Female</label>
<f:form.radio property="{fieldName}" id="{fieldId}-female" value="female" />
<label for="{fieldId}-male">Male</label>
<f:form.radio property="{fieldName}" id="{fieldId}-male" value="male" />
<f:form.submit value="Send" class="btn btn-primary" />