Python wrapper for SAP2000. Generate/Analyze/Extract complex structural models using python.
- Python 3.12 or above
- SAP2000 v24 or higher
Clone repo and Install with flit
git clone && cd ak_sap
pip install uv
uv venv && uv pip install -r pyproject.toml --extra gui
Alternatively, if you only want the base package, replace the last line above with following:
uv venv && uv pip install -r pyproject.toml
Initialize the module as below
from ak_sap import debug, Sap2000Wrapper
sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=True) #Attach to existing opened model
sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=False) #Create new blank model from latest SAP2000
## Create blank model from a custom version of SAP2000
sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=False, program_path=r'Path\to\SAP2000.exe')
Parent level methods and attributes
sap.hide() #Hide the SAP2000 window
sap.unhide() #Unhides SAP2000 window
sap.version #Returns SAP2000 version number
sap.api_version #Returns Sap0API version number'\Path\to\save\file.sdb')
The repo has an optional streamlit GUI for the wrapper. Checkout
for installation and usage instructions.
Usage Examples:
from ak_sap import debug, Sap2000Wrapper
sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=True) #Attach to existing opened model
sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=False) #Create new blank model from latest SAP2000
## Create blank model from a custom version of SAP2000
sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=False, program_path=r'Path\to\SAP2000.exe')
Usage Examples:
sap.hide() #Hide the SAP2000 window
sap.unhide() #Unhides SAP2000 window
sap.ishidden #Check if window is hidden
sap.version #Returns SAP2000 version number
sap.api_version #Returns Sap0API version number
sap.exit(save=False) #Exit the application'\Path\to\save\file.sdb')
Collection of methods and attributes that control changes to the model as a whole
Usage Examples:
sap.Model.units #Returns current model units
sap.Model.units_database #Returns Internal Database units
sap.Model.set_units(value='N_m_C') #Changes the present units of model
sap.Model.merge_tol #retrieves the value of the program auto merge tolerance
sap.Model.set_merge_tol(0.05) #sets the program auto merge tolerance
sap.Model.filepath #Returns filepath of current file
sap.Model.is_locked #Returns if the model is locked
sap.Model.lock() #Locks the model
sap.Model.unlock() #Unlocks the model
sap.Model.project_info #Returns a dict of Project Info
##Set project info, use `.project_info` to see available keys
sap.Model.set_project_info({'Design Code': 'BCBC 2018'})
sap.Model.logs #Retrieve user comments and logs
sap.Model.set_logs('Add this comment') #Adds user comments/logs
Collection of methods and attributes that apply changes to elements in the model
Usage Examples:
object = sap.Object
object.move_selected(dx=0.5, dy=0, dz=1.0) #Move selected object
object.copy(dx=0.5, dy=0, dz=0, num=10)#copy selected object
#Mirror and create object
from ak_sap import Coord
pt1 = Coord(x=10, y=20, z=0)
p2 = Coord(x=10, y=30, z=0)
object.mirror(plane='Z', coord1=pt1, coord2=pt2) #Mirror replicate selected obj.
Manipulate Point Elements
Usage Examples:
points = sap.Object.Point
len(points) #list number of points in model
points.add_by_coord((1,2,3)) #Add point to model
points.is_selected(name='1') #Check if point is selected
points.selected() #Yields selected points
points.all() #Lists all defined points
points.rename(old_name='1', new_name='1_1') #Rename point
points.check_obj_legal(name='1') #Asserts point's existance
points.delete(name='1') #Delete point
points.deselect_all() #Deselect all points'1') #Select a single point
points.align(axis='Z', ordinate = 100) #Align selected points
points.deselect(name='1') #Deselect a single point
# Extrude point to frame
dx=0, dy=144, dz=0,
points.merge(tolerance=2) #Merge points that are within tol
points.change_coord(name='1', x=0, y=0, z=0)#Change point coordinate
Manipulate Frame Elements
Usage Examples:
frames = sap.Object.Frame
len(frames) #list number of frames in model
frames.is_selected(name='1') #Check if frame is selected
frames.selected() #Yields selected frames
frames.all() #Lists all defined frames
frames.rename(old_name='1', new_name='1_1') #Rename frame
frames.check_obj_legal(name='1') #Asserts frame's existance
frames.get_section(name='1') #Get the assigned Section name
frames.get_points(name='1') #Get points connected to frame
frames.delete(name='1') #Delete frame
dist=0.5,Iend=True) #Divide frame by distance
frames.divide_by_intersection(name='2') #Divide at selected intersections
frames.divide_by_ratio(name='3',ratio=0.3)#Divide at selected ratio
frames.join('2','3') #Join Colinear frames
frames.change_points(name='1', point1='1', point2='3') #Change connected points of frame
# Extrude frames to area
dx=0, dy=144, dz=0,
# Get frame properties
frames.Prop.rename(old_name="FSEC1", new_name="MySection") #Rename frame property #Total # of defined frame properties
Control the database values
Usage Examples:
tables = sap.Table
tables.list_available() #Lists available database tables
tables.list_all() #Lists all database tables
tables.get_table_fields('Analysis Options') #Get table Field Info
tables.get(TableKey='Load Case Definitions', dataframe=False) #Get Table data in `list[dict]` format
df = tables.get('Material Properties 01 - General') #Get Table data in pandas dataframe
# Update Table
df.iloc[0,0] = 'New Value'
tables.update(TableKey='Material Properties 01 - General', data=df, apply=True)
Usage Examples:
select = sap.Select
select.all() #Select all objects
select.clear() #Deselect all objects
select.constraint(name='Diaph1') #Select points in constraint
select.constraint(name='Diaph1', reverse=True) #Deselect points in constraint
select.invert() #Invert selections
select.selected #Returns list of selected objects
select.previous() #restores the previous selection
#Selection based on plane
select.in_plane(pointname='1', plane='XY') #Select in XY plane
select.in_plane(pointname='2', plane='YZ', reverse=False) #Deselect
#Select by property'Area', name='ASEC1')'Cable', name='CAB1', reverse=True)'Frame', name='FSEC1')'Link', name='GAP1', reverse=True)'Material', name='A992Fy50')'Solid', name='SOLID1', reverse=True)'Tendon', name='TEN1')
Control the definition and assignments of loads.
Usage Examples:
pattern = sap.Load.Pattern
len(pattern) # List the number of load patterns defined
pattern.list_all() #List defined load patterns
pattern.rename('Dead', 'Live') #Rename previously defined pattern
pattern.delete(name='Dead') #Delete a load pattern
pattern.get_selfwt_multiplier('DEAD') #Get defined self weight multiplier
pattern.set_selfwt_multiplier('DEAD', 1.15) #Set self weight multiplier
pattern.get_loadtype('DEAD') #Get the defined load type
pattern.set_loadtype('DEAD', pattern_type='LIVE') #Set the defined load type
#Add a Live load case with name "Custom Live", a 1.15x self weight multiplier and also generate an accompanying load case
pattern.add(name='Custom Live', pattern_type='LIVE',
selfwt_multiplier=1.15, add_case=True)
Usage Examples:
cases = sap.Load.Case
len(cases) #returns total # of defined cases'MODAL') #Get # of modal load cases
cases.list_all() #List all load cases
cases.rename('DEAD','WATER') #Rename existing load case
cases.case_info(name='DEAD') #Get the Case type information
cases.set_type(name='DEAD', casetype='LINEAR_STATIC') #Change the case type of existing load case
Usage Examples:
eigen = sap.Load.Modal.Eigen
eigen.set_case(case_name="LCASE1") #Set a Eigen Modal case
eigen.set_initial_case(case_name='LCASE1', initial_case='DEAD') #Set initial stiffness case
eigen.get_initial_case(case_name="LCASE1") #Get the Initial Case
eigen.get_loads(case_name='LCASE1') #Get the load data
#Set Eigen parameters
EigenShiftFreq=0.05, #cyc/s
EigenCutOff=0.0001, #cyc/s
eigen.get_parameters(case_name='LCASE1') #Get Parameters
eigen.set_number_modes(case_name='LCASE1', max=10, min=5) #set number of modes
eigen.get_number_modes(case_name='LCASE1') #get number of modes
Usage Examples:
ritz = sap.Load.Modal.Ritz
ritz.set_case(case_name="LCASE1") #Set a Eigen Modal case
ritz.set_initial_case(case_name='LCASE1', initial_case='DEAD') #Set initial stiffness case
ritz.get_initial_case(case_name="LCASE1") #Get the Initial Case
ritz.get_loads(case_name='LCASE1') #Get the load data
ritz.set_number_modes(case_name='LCASE1', max=10, min=5) #set number of modes
ritz.get_number_modes(case_name='LCASE1') #get number of modes
Usage Examples:
analyze = sap.Analyze
analyze.create_model() #Create analysis model #Runs the analysis
analyze.case_status() #retrieves the status for all load cases.
analyze.get_run_flag() #retrieves the run flags for all cases
analyze.set_run_flag(case='MODAL', status=True) # Set case to run
analyze.get_solver() #Get solver info
#Set solver options
Manipulate Results from SAP2000
Usage Examples:
results = sap.Results
setup = sap.Results.Setup
setup.clear_casecombo() #Deselect all Case&Combo for results
setup.select_case(casename='DEAD') #sets an load case selected for output flag.
setup.is_selected_case(casename='DEAD') #checks if an load case is selected for output.
setup.select_combo(comboname='DEAD') #sets an load combo selected for output flag.
setup.is_selected_combo(comboname='COMB1') #checks if an load combo is selected for output.
setup.set_rxn_loc_get(x=0.5, y=0.5, z=5) #sets coordinates of the locn at which the base reactions are reported.
setup.base_rxn_loc_get() #retrieves coordinates of the locn at which the base reactions are reported.
results.joint_reactions(jointname='1') #Get Joint reactions as list of dict
results.joint_displacements(jointname='1') #Get Joint displacements as list of dict
results.joint_accelerations(jointname='1') #Get joint accelerations
results.joint_velocities(jointname='1') #Get joint velocities
results.delete('MODAL') #Delete results of `MODAL` case
results.delete('All') #Delete results of all cases
Usage Examples:
material = sap.Material
material.rename(old="4000Psi", new="MatConc") #Rename existing material #Total # of defined material properties
material.delete(name='4000Psi') #Delete existing material property
material.list_all() #List all defined Material Properties
material.get_props(name='4000Psi') #Returns basic material property data
material.add(name='Steel', material_type='Steel') #Initialze Material Property
material.set_isotropic(name='Steel', E=29500, poisson=0.25, thermal_coeff=6e-06) #Set isotropic material properties
material.set_density(name='Steel', mass_per_vol=0.00029) #set density
Usage Examples:
rebar = sap.Material.Rebar
rebar.rename(old='R1', new='MyRebar') #Rename rebar #Total # of defined rebar properties
rebar.delete(name='R1') #Delete existing rebar property
rebar.list_all() #List all defined rebar Properties
rebar.set_prop(name='MyRebar2', area=1.05, dia=1.0) #Define a rebar property
rebar.get_prop(name='MyRebar2') #Get rebar property
- Generate Load Patterns
- Generate Load Cases
- Apply Loads
- Points
- Area
- Line
- Export joint reactions to Hilti-Profis file
See LICENSE for more information.
Arun Kishore - @rpakishore
Project Link: