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Andrew Koryavchenko edited this page Jul 4, 2017 · 1 revision

ReflectionExtensions.TryGetMetadataAttribute Method

Overload List


Name Description
Public methodStatic member TryGetMetadataAttribute(TAttribute)(ICustomAttributeProvider) Performs search for metadata attribute. The search is performed in the following order * member attributes, base implementation attributes (if the attributeProvider is member of the type) * type attributes, base type attributes (if the attributeProvider is type or member of the type) * container type attributes (if the type is nested type) * assembly attributes.
Public methodStatic member TryGetMetadataAttribute(TAttribute)(ICustomAttributeProvider, Boolean) Performs search for metadata attribute. If the thisLevelOnly is true, the search is performed in the following order: * member attributes, base implementation attributes (if the attributeProvider is member of the type) * type attributes, base type attributes (if the attributeProvider is type or member of the type) * container type attributes (if the type is nested type) * assembly attributes.
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See Also


ReflectionExtensions Class
CodeJam.Reflection Namespace

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