Prgramming Languages(CS 354) JavaScript informational website
To run several of the basic examples via bash powered terminal:
$ make
chmod +x
Running basic_math_example.js...
Printing outputs...
1 + 2 = 3
1 - 2 = -1
1 * 2 = 2
1 / 2 = 0.5
Running types_example.js...
Checking for numbers with isNaN function...
Whitespace is not a number?: false
Whitespace is considered a number???: true
var w is not a number with the value hello world: true
var x is not a number with the value 42: false
var y is not a number with the value 42: false
var z is not a number with the value 42: false
Using JS typeof() function...
variable x is a number with the value of 42
variable y is a number with the value of 42.5
Running cmd_args.js....
Numbers of arguments found: 4
Running Ashlyn_Examples.js...
Running Sunny_Basic_Example.js...
The selected digit is odd
The selected digit is even
Running Sunny_Advanced_Example.js...
Total Vowels: 2
Total Digits: 3
Total Lowercase letters: 4
Length of word: 11
$ exit