cargo install --git
An empty buildk.toml
is required in project root.
See default configurations:
buildk config
Properties with defaults:
path = "<cwd>"
src = "<cwd>/src"
test = "<cwd>/test"
main = "Main.kt"
out = "<cwd>/out"
org.jetbrains.kotlin.kotlin-stdlib = "1.9.22"
org.junit.platform.junit-platform-console-standalone = "1.10.1"
org.junit.jupiter.junit-jupiter-api = "5.5.2"
mavenCentral = ""
path = "/usr/local/Cellar/kotlin/1.9.22/"
path = "/usr/local/Cellar/openjdk/17.0.1/"
Which gives the following project structure:
└── .buildk.toml # Manifest
├── src
│ └── Main.kt # Source code
├── test
│ └── MainTest.kt # Test code (JUnit 5)
└── out
├── cache.json # Build cache
├── app.jar # Release (fat-jar)
├── src
│ └── Mainkt.class # Compiled sources
└── test
└── MainTestkt.class # Compiled test sources
Show commands
buildk help
A Kotlin build tool for the 21st century
Usage: buildk [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
build, -b Build the project
clean, -c Clean the output directory
config Show the project configuration
deps Print the dependencies
fetch Fetch the dependencies
init Initialize the project
release Create a release (jar)
run, -r Run the project
test, -t Run JUnit tests
tree Print the build tree
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Faster builds with rayon (currently only with nightly)
RUSTFLAGS="-Z threads=8" cargo +nightly build --release
- Java runtime dependency resolution
- Java compile time dependency resolution
- AVL trees for dependency graph?
- Resolve maven artifacts
- Resolve gradle dependencies
- Resolve buildk packages
- Resolve local packages
- Resolve git packages
- Publish buildk packages
- Buildk published packages can be stored on github package registry?
- Resolve conflicting dependency versions
- Resolve cyclic transitive dependencies
- Cache classpath (complete dependency graph per used dependency)
- Support multi module
- Create a project graph for enabling parallel compilation
- Early cut off improvements
- Checking timestamp on files is not always sufficient. E.g. when adding a comment.
- Shared cache
- Build once on one machine, share the result in the cloud
- Platform libs must be configurable (e.g. junit or kotlin-std:1.9.22)
- Kotlin std
- Test libs
- Java std
- Tests are automatically found
- Manually create build-tree based on project package/imports
- KSP (kotlin compiler plugin) must be implemented in kotlin. Used for generating smarter build-trees
- Configurable repositories
- Add init command for setting up basic project
- Kotlinc must be first looked up in manifest before trying to look for env-vars and default locations
- When downloading deps and transitive deps fails, the imported dependency is cached and no transitive will be wodnloaded again
- Use crossbeam for concurrency downloads?
- Use Rayon for parallel compilation?
- Use ripgrep for lexing/ksp/avl/build-tree?
- Use prodash instead of stdout?