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log4j_checker_beta - Linux, macOS and Windows Scripts

If you want to use the windows/linux download cradles below, please review the scripts beforehand. Loading code from the internet and execute it is what brought us here with Log4Shell - right? ;-)

Linux and macOS servers or clients

The script is used to perform a fast check if your server is possibly affected by CVE-2021-44228 (the log4j vulnerability).
It does not give a 100% proof, that you are not vulnerable, but it gives a hint if it is possible, that you could be vulnerable.

  • scans files for occurrences of log4j
  • checks for packages containing log4j and Solr ElasticSearch
  • checks if Java is installed
  • Analyzes JAR/WAR/EAR files
  • Option of checking hashes of .class files in archives

Run with:

wget -q -O - |bash

If you only want to see the warnings use

wget -q -O - | bash | grep '\[WARNING\]'

Make sure, your locate database is updated before running with

sudo updatedb

Hash checking

The script can test .class files on the first level of JAR/WAR/EAR archives to see if they match with known sha256 hashes of vulnerable class files from log4j.
You have to provide a download of plain text file with sha256 hashes in HEX format, one per line, everything after first is ignored. The URL can be placed in variable download_file. Otherwise this feature will not operate.

The information has put out about hashes of vulnerable binary Java .class files:

Also see their blog:


We did include a SHA256_HASHES_URL in the script that directs to the file hashes-pre-cve.txt in this repository. But you can add your own URL as first parameter to the script on the shell or use a local file, e.g. store your file in hashes-pre-cve_local.txt and then call:

./ hashes-pre-cve_local.txt


The commands locate and unzip need to be installed. unzip to inspect the jar files.

To install on Debian and Ubuntu systems:

sudo apt install unzip locate
sudo updatedb


Windows servers or clients

You can use the snippet

IEX (New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadstring("")

to directly check for potentially vulnerable jar files on windows. Or you could download this script and point the output to a writable fileshare. This still worked for me for me for Powershell 2.0 on Windows Server 2012.

Error handling or additional features where not added on purpose to keep it short and easy and compatible with Powershell 2.0 and older versions of Windows. This script just checks for jar files and searches for the string "JndiLookup.class" which indicates a vulnerable library. Use your tool of choice to run it with admin permissions (or just use it manually).

Alternatively, if you can't use powershell, you could this snippet for the command prompt to scan the current drive for jar files with the "JndiLookup.class". After running this line with admin permissions check the file c:\log4j-vuln.txt for vulnerable files.

cd \  && for /r %f in (*.jar) do (find /i /c "JndiLookup.class" "%f" 1>nul && echo "%f" >> "c:\log4j-vuln.txt")


a fast check, if your server could be vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228







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