40 non-linear easing methods to make transitions nicer in Unity.
Recommended Installation (Unity Package Manager)
- "Add package from git URL..."
Alternate Installation (Not recommended)
- Get the latest release
- Open with the desired Unity project
- Import into the Plugins folder
using EaseKit;
// The entire EaseKit library is now available.
EaseKit has optional support for 3 other packages.
If Unity.Mathematics (1.2.4 or later) is included in the project, interpolators for types provided by the library are enabled.
Supported Unity.Mathematics
interpolator types include:
- All
vectors double
and alldouble
If ClockKit (2.0.0 or later) is included in the project, convenience functions to start timers with easings and interpolators are enabled.
If UnityFoundation (0.1.0-pre.1 or later) is included in the project, interpolators for types provided by the library are enabled.
Support UnityFoundation
interpolator types include:
Robert Penner's Easing Functions
acron0's C# port of Robert Penner's Easing Functions