The current version of the ROS base package for Raspberry Pi Mouse. This package is derived from "pimouse_ros" package, which is coded for the book from Nikkei BP.
- old versions: ryuichiueda/raspimouse_ros
This package requires the following to run:
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Ubuntu MATE 16.04
- ROS Kinetic Kame
- Device Driver
Please refer to ROS WiKi for installation, or run the following ros setup scripts.
Please refer to rt-net/RaspberryPiMouse for download and installation.
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
Delete the following line from ~/.bashrc
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
Add the follwing line to ~/.bashrc
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
Beforehand, please check the value of $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
. (The path in which raspimouse_ros_2 exists should be included.)
rosdep install raspimouse_ros_2
cd ~/catkin_ws
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch raspimouse_ros_2 raspimouse.launch
rostopic pub /buzzer std_msgs/UInt16 1000
If you have an RT-USB-9axisIMU2 9-axis sensor, its z angular velocity can be reflected to the /odom
- hardware: RT-USB-9axisIMU2 (text mode)
- software:
Please set 1
to the argument imu
. When you want to use this feature permanently, please rewrite the arg element of raspimouse.launch as follows.
<arg name="imu" default="1" /> <!-- change from 0 to 1 -->
<include if="$(arg imu)" file="$(find rt_usb_9axis_sensor)/launch/rt_usb_9axis_sensor.launch" />