import random
bars = ["Shoolbred's",
"The Wren",
"The Scratcher",
"Blind Barber"]
people = ["Mattan",
"that person you forgot to text back",
"Kanye West",
"Samule L. Jackson"]
random_bar = random.choice(bars)
random_person = random.choice(people)
print(f"How about you go to {random_bar} with {random_person}?")
- Top of the file
import random
This imports other code. A library called 'random' that later allows us to pick out a random bar or random person from our lists.
- Lists of Bars & People
bars = ["Shoolbred's",
"The Wren",
"The Scratcher",
"Blind Barber"]
people = ["Mattan",
"that person you forgot to text back",
"Kanye West",
"Samule L. Jackson"]
These are lists of bars and people. They are going to be pulled into...
- Pick a random bar and a random person
random_bar = random.choice(bars)
random_person = random.choice(people)
This is where our script picks a random bar and a random person.
- Print out the results
print(f"How about you go to {random_bar} with {random_person_one}
This line prints out the random bar and random person.
- I misspelled Samuel L Jackson's name. Fix the typo.
- Add another person to the list of people.
- Change the script so it prints out two random people instead of one. (ex. How about you go to Lion's Head Tavern with Mattan and Chris?)