Week calendar relies on jQuery 2.2.0 and jQuery-ui 1.11.2
You can see basic preview on this demo page.
- Added breakpoints option to manage options depending on the width of the screen.
- Added mode auto to height option.
responsive option is an object containing breakpoints and settings objects for it. Enables settings sets at given screen width.
responsive: [
breakpoint: 767,
settings: {
useShortDayNames: true,
dateFormat: 'M d, Y',
daysToShow: 3
}, {
breakpoint: 360,
settings: {
daysToShow: 1
Above example shows how to use short date format and show only 3 days on screen width between 360px and 767px. On lower resolution there will be only one day shown.
When you set option height to auto the height of whole calendar will be calculated based on timeslots using following formulas. If you set businessHours.limitDisplay to true
_number_of_bussines_hours_ * timeslotsPerHour * timeslotHeight + _header_height_ + _naviagation_height_
If you set businessHours.limitDisplay to false number_of_bussines_hours will be set to 24.