I am relatively new to nix and a lot of the things i do are bad practice, if you think something should be done a better way, feel free to open an issue or pr
The code from this repo is MIT, but if it helped you in any way, please credit and/or leave a star
The most important tidbits about my config
This repo uses both stable and unstable nix at the same time, in all configurations, in a way where any given configuration can use either stable or unstable as the default
This is done by adding the arguments stable and unstable as special args
Remember to pass stable and unstable to home manager as extraSpecialArgs
along with the rest of your args (inputs
, pkgs
, ...)
nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem rec {
system = "x86_64-linux";
specialArgs = {
inherit inputs;
unstable = import nixpkgs-unstable {
inherit system;
config = {
allowUnfree = true;
modules = [
{ pkgs, ... }:
_module.args = {
stable = pkgs;
inputs.home-manager.nixosModules.default # home-manager-unstable also exists for unstable systems, make sure to match
they are then used to install packages from the respective channels
In home manager, instead of using unstable directly, unstable is overlayed onto packages, and any module using unstable packages MUST import /common/users/homeModules/unstable.nix
stable will be done using a similar overlay soon
i have various packages pinned for different reasons (unfixed regressions, old software, breaking configuration changes, etc...)
All pinned packages are declared in /common/users/homeModules/pinned.nix, as overlays under a pinned prop, eg: to access the pinned package foo
you would write
Any module using a pinned package MUST import /common/users/homeModules/pinned.nix
To generate the code for a pinned package (commit hash, SRI, etc...) use nix-versions
Its open source too! Check it out and give it a star.
Any package that uses an overlay should itself be a folder with a ./default.nix
file and import ./overlays.nix
To make modules more reusable, if a module imports both graphical and command line tools, it should itself be a folder with ./default.nix
importing ./cli.nix
and ./gui.nix
and ./gui.nix
should export the needed CLI and graphical tools, respectively
sops.nix is used for secret management
see /.sops.yaml
and both sops.nix
modules for more info
home modules that use sops MUST import /common/users/homeModules/sops.nix
this repo is a bit insane with how things are laid out
has ./configuration.nix
and ./hardware-configuration.nix
as well as any other non-shared modules that are needed for said system
really a src dir
contains programs used used by the system and shared across systems
contains modules used by the system, eg ssh, nginx, audio, kernel
This is where most of the code is
the full configuration needed to setup and run a docker service, could include sops secrets, docker/docker compose files, and configuration files in clear text make sure to enable linger on the user thats running them
a home manager module that installs this service to ~/src/<service>/
I currently use a mix of home.file
, sops.secrets.<secret>.path
and systemd.user.tmpfiles.rules
to manage needed files, if anyway knows a better way to move away from systed tmpfiles, please reach out and let me know
an system module, not a home manager module
setus up any nginx config needed for the service as well as any other needed system configuration that cant be done with home manager
This will not enable nginx or setup ssl certs, to do that, see /common/systemModules/nginx.nix
contains all the modules for my configuration most of the important code is here
each module should be able to standalone, please let me know if you find that any cant
contains all config needed to run and develop code in that language
contains code for code editors and IDEs
has a default module for all ides
nvim is not an IDE
contains all jet brains or IntelliJ based ides, eg: pycharm, android studio
has a default module for all ides
contails shell scripts that are added to bash
also contains scripts writen in typescript and loaded via a package
While the scripts are included as a submodule (at /dotfiles/scripts) for easy editing, that is not what is used to build the system, an input is fetched and that is used
Unused and probably broken, will be removed in the future
contains CLI and GUI tools for dealing with media (photo editors, video editors, ffmpeg, imagemagik, etc...)
default.nix just includes ./cli.nix and ./gui.nix
CLI tools for handling and managing media (ffmpeg, yt-dlp, ImageMagick, etc.)
GUI tools for handling and managing media (shotcut, pinta, gimp, obs, etc.)
Davinci Resolve
This is seperate because it often causes rebuilds of SpiderMonkey, which results in long build times (>30 minutes on an i9-14900k)
only has a default.nix, its vscode, what else do you expect
only has a default.nix, files for each font planned in the future
Font files to add