- Compatible with Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2 and LuaJIT. (5.3 compatibility so far untested)
- Luarocks setup
- Runs over Apache2 (with mod_lua), NginX (openresty), Mongoose, Lighttpd, Xavante and Lwan web servers
- Using Windows, Mac or Linux systems
- Compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and other databases supported by the luasql library
- MVC structure
- Parsing of Lua pages
- Routing
- Basic Object-relational mapping
- Validation
- Transactions
- App comes already shipped with Bootstrap
- Include, redirect
- Sessions, cookies
- Login module
- Easy deployment (unix only) -> sailor create "app name" /dir/to/app
- Form generation
- Lua at client (possible through a Lua=>JS virtual machine deployed with the app)
- Friendly urls
- Inspect function for better debugging => similar to a var dump
- Custom 404 pages
- Relations
- Model generation (reading from DB)
- CRUD generation (reading from model)
- Theme and layout (now you can have multiple layouts within a theme. e.g. 1-column and 2-column)
- Integration with Busted for unit and functional tests for your app
- Integration with mod_lua's DB API and DB module refactor
- Improvements to the form and validation module
More about the motivation to build this project can be found here: http://etiene.net/10/sailor
- /docs - this one is supposed to have documentation
- /lua-to-js-vms - different Lua->Javascript virtual machines for use of Lua in the browser with Sailor
- /rockspecs - Rockspec files for LuaRocks install
- /src - Lua modules with nice stuff from Sailor and other places.
- /sailor - Sailor modules
- /sailor/blank-app - blank Sailor web app, can be copy-pasted as base for your own apps
- /test - apps for testing and demonstration purposes
Sailor has been tested under Linux, Mac OS X and Windows and is currently compatible with Apache with mod_lua or mod_pLua, Nginx with ngx_lua, Lwan, Lighttpd with mod_magnet, or any CGI-enabled web server, like Civetweb, Mongoose and Xavante, if CGILua is present.
For Linux, see INSTALL_LINUX.md (Ubuntu) or INSTALL_LINUX_ARCH.md (Arch Linux)
For Windows, see INSTALL_WIN.md
For Mac, see INSTALL_MAC.md
A default Sailor app will have the following directory tree structure:
- /conf - configuration files, open and edit them.
- /controllers - controllers you will make!
- /themes - default theme files.
- /models - models you will make!
- /pub - publicly accessible files (js libraries, for example)
- /runtime - temporary files generated during runtime.
- /tests - unit and functional tests
- /views - this is where your lua pages in .lp will go
Go to /controllers and create your first controller! It should be a lua module. Name it whatever you want, our example is "site.lua". We will serve two pages, one accessible via /?r=site which will run site.index() by default and another one acessible via /?r=site/notindex.
local site = {}
local model = require "sailor.model"
function site.index(page)
local foo = 'Hello world'
local User = model("user")
local u = User:new()
u.username = "etiene"
u.password = "a_password"
local valid, err = u:validate() -- validate() will check if your attributes follow the rules!
if not valid then
foo = "Boohoo :("
-- Warning: this is a tech preview and some methods of model class do not avoid SQL injections yet.
page:render('index',{foo=foo,name=u.username}) -- This will render /views/site/index.lp and pass the variables 'foo' and 'name'
function site.notindex(page)
page:write('<b>Hey you!</b>')
return site
Go to /views, create a dir named 'site' to match your controller name and create your first page, our example is index.lp
Hi, <?=name?>
For more information on what you can do with html and Lua Pages, visit http://keplerproject.github.io/cgilua/manual.html#templates
For more examples, you can check the test controller (/controllers/test.lua), the test views (/views/test/*) and the User model (/models/user.lua)
Contributions are welcome! Just make a pull request :) Please try to follow the code style of the rest of the repository.
If you made an extension for Sailor and would like to share, please get in contact so I can add it to the website.
This repository contains the following third-party MIT licensed code:
- LP Templates - http://keplerproject.github.io/cgilua/manual.html#templates
- Valua - https://github.com/sailorproject/valua
- Lua at client - https://github.com/felipedaragon/lua_at_client
- Moonshine - http://moonshinejs.org/
- Lua5.1.js - https://github.com/logiceditor-com/lua5.1.js
- Lua.vm.js - https://kripken.github.io/lua.vm.js/lua.vm.js.html
- Starlight - https://github.com/paulcuth/starlight
Hugs! Not bugs. For bugs, fill an issue! :)