isBizMail tells you whether a given email address is free (,, etc) or not. Detects around 4-5k domains and sub-domains.
Under the hood isBizMail mostly relies on 3-rd party domain lists created by people and organizations mentioned in Credits section.
- PHP implementation (PHP 5.4.0+)
- .NET implementation (.NET Standard 2.0+)
You can support us in a small way, please consider starring and sharing this repo! It helps us getting known and grow the community.
You can install isBizMail for JavaScript via your prefered dependency manager, e.g. Yarn
yarn add is-biz-mail
or via NPM
npm i is-biz-mail
One of examples of vanilla JavaScript usage might be a simple HTML page:
<script src=""></script>
var result = isBizMail.isValid('"');
console.log([email, result]); // (2) ["", false]
import isBizMail from 'is-biz-mail';
let result = isBizMail.isFreeMailAddress('');
console.log([email, result]); // (2) ["", true]
// ...
CommonJS, Node.js etc
const isBizMail = require('is-biz-mail');
let result = isBizMail.isFreeMailAddress('');
console.log([email, result]); // (2) ["", true]
// ...
yarn test
or via NPM
npm install
npm test # or ./node_modules/.bin/mocha
- SpamAssasin's 'freemail domains' filter
- SpamAssasin's 'mailcom domains' filter
- Matthieu Moquet's list of disposable emails.