Bribbble · 
This is a Dribbble clone app created using Next.js for educational purposes. Bribbble is an app that brings the vibrant and inspiring world of design right to your fingertips. Bribbble is your go-to platform for sharing, discovering, and celebrating creative brilliance, just like the original Dribbble.
- Search & filter functions
- Authentication using Clerk
- MongoDB & Prisma for database
- Edgestore for image upload
- Zustand for state management
- Hosted in Vercel
- Next.js 14
- Shadcn/ui
- Clerk
- Tailwind CSS
- TypeScript
- MongoDB
- Prisma
- Edgestore
- Zustand
- Vercel
Open the .env.example and fill in your Database URL, Edgestore configurations & Clerk Auth Configurations then save it as .env the run the following command:
npm install
npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push
npm run dev
The app is hosted on Vercel. Click here to visit.
Direct link: