Orcid integration for Hyrax/Hyku
Add the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'hyrax-orcid', git: 'https://github.com/ubiquitypress/hyrax-orcid', branch: 'main'
The installer will copy over any migrations and insert the assets into your applications asset pipeline. Just run the following:
bundle exec rails g hyrax:orcid:install
bundle exec rails db:migrate
Add an initializer to your app with the following block:
Hyrax::Orcid.configure do |config|
# :sandbox or :production
config.environment = :sandbox
config.auth = {
client_id: "YOUR-APP-ID",
client_secret: "your-secret-token",
# The authorisation return URL you entered when creating the Orcid Application. Should be your repository URL and `/dashboard/orcid_identity/new`
redirect_url: "http://your-repo.com/dashboard/orcid_identity/new"
config.bolognese = {
# The work reader method, excluding the _reader suffix
reader_method: "hyrax_json_work",
# The writer class that provides the XML body which is sent to Orcid
xml_writer_class_name: "Bolognese::Writers::Xml::WorkWriter"
config.active_job_type = :perform_later
config.work_types = ["YourWorkType", "GenericWork"]
You can also set the following ENV varibles before your app starts:
ORCID_CLIENT_SECRET: your-secret-token
ORCID_AUTHORIZATION_REDIRECT: http://your-repo.com/dashboard/orcid_identity/new
You can then access the values like so reader_method = Hyrax::Orcid.configuration.bolognese[:reader_method]
Hyrax Orcid is designed to be used with Hyrax, but you can also use it with Hyku if you perform a few manual tasks.
First, include the Helper methods into your application:
include Hyrax::Orcid::HelperBehavior
Add the assets to your application.{js, css}:
//= require hyrax/orcid/application
*= require hyrax/orcid/application
Within the Dashboard, go to Settings/Features
and enable the Hyrax Orcid feature flipper.
HykuAddons is an opinionated addition to Hyku. Go to Settings/Account Settings
and enter your Orcid application authorisation credentials into the correct fields under "Hyrax orcid settings".
Add the following to your work models, include Hyrax::Orcid::WorkBehavior
docker-compose exec web bundle exec rspec
When cloning, you will need to bring in the Hyrax submodule by:
cd spec/internal_test_hyrax;
git submodule init && git submodule update
Then you can build the application from the root folder (cd ../../
docker-compose up --build web
By default and for the sake of simplicity, the migrations are checked each time the app starts. If you find this too slow, you can change the startup command
in the docker-compose.yml file:
# Comment out this line
# command: bash -c "rm -f spec/internal_test_hyrax/tmp/pids/server.pid && bundle exec rails db:create && bundle exec rails db:migrate && bundle exec rails server -b"
# Uncomment this line
command: bash -c "rm -f spec/internal_test_hyrax/tmp/pids/server.pid && bundle install && bundle exec rails server -b"
The app uses an sqlite database which is stored inside spec/internal_test_hyrax/db
. If you wish to nuke your app and start again, delete this file,
then you will need to ensure that the db is created, migrations are run and seeds imported before the app will start, by using something like this to start the web container:
command: bash -c "rm -f spec/internal_test_hyrax/tmp/pids/server.pid && bundle exec rails db:create && bundle exec rails db:migrate && bundle exec rails server -b"
You will need to create a new user before you can login. Admin users are found within the spec/internal_test_hyrax/config/role_map.yml
. Login to the rails console and create a user:
User.create(email: 'archivist1@example.com', password: 'test1234')
If you get to a situation where you cannot create works, your admin set might be missing:
rails app:hyrax:default_collection_types:create;
rails app:hyrax:default_admin_set:create
I've had issues with the tasks, so if it's still not working, login with the Admin user and create a new Admin Set Collection manually with the title "admin_set/default"
There are a number of outstanding items that should be addressed in the future:
- JSON fields should be extracted into its own Gem allowing configuration via YML - this is on the HA developers list but time hasn't been found
Because this Gem was developed to eventually work with Hyku Addons, there are a number of items that are Hyku/HykuAddons related:
- Orcid Types are all 'other', there needs to be a map between Orcid Work Types and Hyrax Work Types, please see HyraxXmlBuilder for a list of types
- The Orcid Contributor types need to be mapped to Hyrax Work Contributor types
- What happens when a public work is published, then made restricted - I think it is likely it will fail to write the update because of the visibility check within the
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.