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Steps to test the ethereumPlugin

cd vault_plugins/secrets/ethereumPlugin
go build -o vault/plugins/ethereumPlugin cmd/ethereumPlugin/main.go

Start vault on a different terminal with

vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root -dev-plugin-dir=./vault/plugins

Go back to the first terminal

export VAULT_ADDR=""
vault login root
vault secrets enable ethereumPlugin
vault policy write pedro Vault_profiles/user1.hcl 
vault policy write guillermo Vault_profiles/user2.hcl 
vault policy write przemek Vault_profiles/user3.hcl

Now you can try to log in as different users and see that each of them can only acces the key they insert.

vault token create -policy=pedro (to create a login token)
vault login <token>
vault write ethereumPlugin/genKey user=pedro
vault read ethereumPlugin/showAddr/pedro
vault write ethereumPlugin/signTx/pedro tx="{\"nonce\":\"0x33\",\"gasPrice\":\"0x0\",\"gas\":\"0x989680\",\"to\":\"0x627306090abab3a6e1400e9345bc60c78a8bef57\",\"value\":\"0xbd3580\",\"input\":\"0x\",\"v\":\"\",\"r\":\"\",\"s\":\"\",\"hash\":\"0xc0bacd35d3ea25a130696336dd6b1d811e9f5defdeb28530d0222b7ff2c979cb\"}"

Now we will try to log in as other user for example przemek and we will see that it cannot access the key from pedro First we need root privileges to ask for a token for przemek profile

vault login root
vault token create -policy=przemek
vault login <token>
vault read ethereumPlugin/showAddr/pedro
vault read ethereumPlugin/signTx/pedro tx="{\"nonce\":\"0x33\",\"gasPrice\":\"0x0\",\"gas\":\"0x989680\",\"to\":\"0x627306090abab3a6e1400e9345bc60c78a8bef57\",\"value\":\"0xbd3580\",\"input\":\"0x\",\"v\":\"\",\"r\":\"\",\"s\":\"\",\"hash\":\"0xc0bacd35d3ea25a130696336dd6b1d811e9f5defdeb28530d0222b7ff2c979cb\"}"

If you want to have a look at the backend code its under /vault_plugins/secrets/mock/backend.go

WIP: Command to call the plugin using http

curl -H "X-Vault-Token: root" -X GET

Steps to test the LRS plugin

cd vault_plugins/secrets/LRS
go build -o ../ethereumPlugin/vault/plugins/LRS cmd/LRS/main.go

Start vault on a different terminal with

vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root -dev-plugin-dir=./vault/plugins

Go back to the first terminal

export VAULT_ADDR=""
vault login root
vault secrets enable LRS
vault policy write pedro Vault_profiles/user1.hcl 
vault policy write guille Vault_profiles/user2.hcl 
vault policy write przemek Vault_profiles/user3.hcl
vault policy write jaime Vault_profiles/user4.hcl 
vault policy write coty Vault_profiles/user5.hcl

First we need to initialize the signer with a set of new keys. This has to be done by the admin(root)

vault write LRS/genKeys user1=pedro user2=guille user3=przemek user4=jaime user5=coty

Now we log in as one of the users

vault token create -policy=jaime (to create a login token)
vault login <token>

We can now ask for the pubKeys in a JSON format

vault read LRS/showPubKeys

Lastly we select who we want to sign with and the msg we want to sign in this case we will use jaime and the msg will be "df3bf99309fdcc1065bacad26dc3e154ad08995a3c41571e4b17db30cef94566"

vault write LRS/signMsg/jaime msg=df3bf99309fdcc1065bacad26dc3e154ad08995a3c41571e4b17db30cef94566

Now we can take both outputs and use any LRS verifier to test the validity of it

Finally we can try to sign as pedro while logged in as jaime

vault write LRS/signMsg/pedro msg=df3bf99309fdcc1065bacad26dc3e154ad08995a3c41571e4b17db30cef94566

we will get a permission denied error


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