Mobile Computing Project => Money Tracker
Money Tracker is an application that can help users to keep track of their expenses and income. User can add any money related transaction with the additional features like:
- Adding a date for the expense or income (Using date picker by clicking the calendar icon on home screen)
- Auto detection of location for your purchase.
- Attaching an Image of the bill or paycheck (Using camera by clicking the camera icon on home screen)
The application also provides a feature to show graphical view of the records.
Group Members:
- Deep Muni
- Sarabjeet Singh
- Simrabanu Diwan
- Yuganthi Krishnamurthy
- Krutin Trivedi
"Material Icons", Material Design. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10- Mar- 2020].
"Camera | Android Developers", Android Developers. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 25- Mar- 2020].
"Save data using SQLite | Android Developers", Android Developers. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 12- Mar- 2020].
"PhilJay/MPAndroidChart", GitHub. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 22- Mar- 2020].
Location feature has been implemented using the functionalities taught in Lab-6:
A. Pillai and S. Ahmed, " Lab 6 –Google Maps and Location service", Dalhousie University, 2020.