The Number Predictor Benchmark Demo is part of the Reproducible Open Benchmarks for Data Analysis Platform (ROB). The aim of this demo is to show the basic features of the benchmark engine and the command line interface.
The source code and input files for the demo are included in this repository. The idea is very simple. The predictor takes a sequence of numbers as input and outputs the predicted next value for the sequence. The benchmark includes 25 sequences in total. The benchmark result is computed as the deviation of the predicted values from the actual values.
The demo requires an instance of the ROB Web Service and the ROB Command Line Interface. You can follow the instructions on the Flask Web API - Demo Setup site to setup and run the Web API. The ROB Command Line Interface page contains information to install the client.
Use the robadm
command line client from the Web API to create a new benchmark. Make sure to set the environment variables that configure the database accordingly, e.g.,:
export SQLITE_ROB_CONNECT=./.rob/db.sqlite
If the Web API is running on your local machine with the default settings there is no need to configure additional environment variables. If the Web API is running on a different machine or port, for example, set the environment variables ROB_API_HOST, ROB_API_PORT, and ROB_API_PATH accordingly (see the documentation for details).
The following commands will download the demo and register it as a new benchmark with the local ROB Web Service:
git clone
robadm benchmarks create -n "Number Predictor" \
-d "Simple Number Predictor Demo" \
-i rob-demo-predictor/instructions.txt \
-s rob-demo-predictor/template/
To confirm that everything worked as expected use the rob
command line tool to list available benchmarks:
rob benchmarks list
The output should contain at least the created benchmark. Note that the benchmark identifier will likely be different every time you register a benchmark.
ID | Name | Description
b8a00aee | Number Predictor | Simple Number Predictor Demo
The repository provides several different implementations for the predictor:
- Uses the maximum value in a given sequence as the prediction result.
- Uses the maximum value in a given sequence and adds a given constant value as the prediction result.
- Uses the difference between last two values in a given sequence a the prediction result.
- Uses the sum of the first value and the last value in a given sequence to determine the result.
- Implementation of the predictor that uses Java as the programming language instead of Python. Uses the sum of the last value and the difference between the last value and the next-to-last value in a given sequence as the prediction result.
In the following we register a new user alice and create a submission for the Predictor benchmark.
# Register new user
rob register -u alice -p mypwd
# Login as alice
eval $(rob login -u alice -p mypwd)
# Set predictor benchmark as the default benchmark
export ROB_BENCHMARK=b8a00aee
# Create a new submission for the benchmark. Use the unique identifier of
# the created submission as the default submission
rob submissions create -n 'Team Alice'
export ROB_SUBMISSION=ac31341529034689a6eb517bc06b3e2d
We use the predictor to run the benchmark. This requires us to first upload the code file. We then use the unique file identifier as the argument when running the benchmark.
rob files upload -i rob-demo-predictor/solutions/
rob runs start
Environment (string) [default 'python:3.7']:
Command (string) [default 'python code/ -i "${inputfile}" -o "${outputfile}"']:
Code file (file) [default 'code/']:
Available files
d341066e6a7a4e0d9188a039d181e507 (2019-12-04 10:07:31)
Code file: d341066e6a7a4e0d9188a039d181e507
Target Path:
run e937452c843f41b498cd699755af6529 in state RUNNING
A look at the current leader board shows the result of the benchmark run.
rob benchmark leaders
Rank | Submission | Deviation | Exact Predictions
1 | Team Alice | 15.716233645501712 | 3