Telegram: timka353
Studied at School 21 on the Intra platform in Kazan.
ProgramsModeling programs
Project School21 Intra
Project name | Description | Tools |
Libft | Implementation of a standard C function. | C. |
Ft_printf | Implement printf behavior. | С, Va_list, va_arg, va_start, va_end. |
Get_next_line | An implementation of the getline function that reads a line into a buffer of a certain size and returns a line. When called again, the line is added. | C. |
So_long | A 2D game written in C and using the functions of the minilibx library. | C, minilibx. |
Pipex | C, fork, pipe, execve, dup. | |
Philosophers | Solving the problem of philosophers. | C, fork, pthread, mutex, sem, pipe, dup. |
Minishell | Implementing the behavior of standard bash. | C, pipe, fork, signal, dup, execve, envp, getenv, getcwd, readline, exit. |
Cub3D | This project is inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game. | C, minilibx, math, Ray casting. |
CPP_modul | The goal of these modules is to introduce you to Object-Oriented Programming. | C++98, OOP, string. |
Project School21 Platform
Project name | Description | Tools |
survival_camp | Piscine project in school 21 | C |
Personal Modeling Project
Project name | Description | Tools |
DrawBot_prototyp | Solid Works. | |
Blender_project | Blender 3D |