Command line tool to connect to scylladb (or Apache Cassandra)
A fork of the cqlsh tool from
pip install scylla-cqlsh
cqlsh ${SCYLLA_HOST} -e 'SELECT * FROM system.local'
# or just using it interactively
cqlsh ${SCYLLA_HOST}
# or using it with scylla-cloud
cqlsh --cloudconf [path to connection bundle downloaded]
# running with docker image interactively
docker run -it scylladb/scylla-cqlsh ${SCYLLA_HOST}
Feel free to open a PR/issues with suggestion and improvement Try covering you suggested change with a test, and the instruction for running tests are below
- python 2.7/3.x (recommend virtualenv)
- minimum java8
pip install -e .
pip install -r pylib/requirements.txt
# run scylla with docker
docker run -d scylladb/scylla:latest --cluster-name test
export DOCKER_ID=$(docker run -d scylladb/scylla:latest --cluster-name test)
export CQL_TEST_HOST=$(docker inspect --format='{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ${DOCKER_ID})
while ! nc -z ${CQL_TEST_HOST} 9042; do
sleep 0.1 # wait for 1/10 of the second before check again
# run scylla with CCM
ccm create cqlsh_cluster -n 1 --scylla --version unstable/master:latest
ccm start
pip install build
# optionally can disable the usage of cython
# export CQLSH_NO_CYTHON=true
python -m build -w
Successfully built scylla_cqlsh-6.0.24.dev0+gb09bc79361.d20240910-py3-none-any.whl
A reference on how this we forked out of cassandra repo So we can repeat the process if we want to bring change back it
git clone -b trunk --single-branch
sudo apt-get install git-filter-repo
cd cassandra
git filter-repo --path bin/cqlsh --path bin/ --path pylib/