Adds links and data to to make it collaborate with Some (most) features are for paying members at Project-GC only.
- Requires Greasemonkey to run in Firefox.
- Requires Tampermonkey to run in Chrome.
- Add to/remove from VGPS form.
- Adds Favorite points (FP/FP%/FPW).
- Adds challenge checker links if a checker exists at Project-GC.
- Adds address for the coordinates (Google reverse geocoding).
- Clones number of logs per type to the top.
- Add a "latest logs" to the top.
- Add links to Profile stats for cache owner.
- Add links to Profile stats for every profile in the logbooks.
- Adds a copy friendly link to the geocache page, and copy friendly gccode.
- Adds link to Project-GC gallery.
- Minor adjustments to tidy the web.
- Remove rot13 decrypt widget.
- Remove "Description" text.
- Change some spacings.
- Adds country/region/county data from Project-GC.
- Show the real cache owner name after the "placed by".
- Add links to PGC profile gallery for each name in the logbook.
- Add links to gallery from bookmark lists, from geocache pages.
- Add links to plot bookmark lists on maps, from geocache pages.
- Add links to Profile stats for bookmark list owners, from geocache pages.
- Autodecrypt hints.
- Add metres/feet above mean sea level.
- Add warning if the latest log is a DNF.
- Show exif location data for images in Gallery and Logbook.
- Adds button to map bookmark lists.
- Remove open in new tab from Drafts
- Found/Will attend/Attended per country
- Monospace font for personal cache notes
Exif parsing solved with a fork of
The client side script (this script) is MIT licensed (license file commited in repository). However, the server side API is property of Ground Zero Communications AB.
- Idea and initial work: Jonas "lillfiluren" Högström.
- Cleanup and actually make things work properly (cross browser compatible): "Surfoo".
- Other contributors,