This repository contains scripts for qunatitative analysis of epigraphic texts from the Epigraphic Database Heidelberg.
The main EDH dataset was produced by a series of ETL scripts accessible and fully reproducible via Github.
- Adéla Sobotková
- Petra Hermankova
, SDAM project,
- Vojtěch Kaše
SDAM project,
[Here will be DOI or some other identifier once we have it]
[Here will go related articles or other sources we will publish/create]
[Describe the provenance of data used in the scripts contained and clarify how it is harvested and what other prerequisites are required to get the scripts working. In case of pure tool attribute any reused scripts to source, etc., license and specify any prerequisites or technical requirements.]
Anything else on data metadata and data used. Link to data repository or explanatory article.
- Software X, minimum version 123
- Software Y, version 456
- CompanyA
- CompanyB
- Multiple-screen
- Mouse
- Coffee
[Describe the steps necessary to install the tool/package; example:]
[Describe first steps, how to use the current repository by a typical user - the digital historian with limited technical skills]
- First, do ...
- Second, do ...
- Third, go to ...