The core has been completed and been used in several designs. It is considered mature and ready to use.. Minor changes are non-functional cleanups of code.
Verilog implementation of the SHA-1 cryptgraphic hash function. The functionality follows the specification in NIST FIPS 180-4.
The implementation is iterative with one cycle/round. The initialization takes one cycle. The W memory is based around a sliding window of 16 32-bit registers that are updated in sync with the round processing. The total latency/message block is 82 cycles.
There are top level wrappers that provides interface for easy integration into a System on Chip (SoC). This interface contains mesage block and digest registers to allow a host to load the next block while the current block is being processed.
The implementation also includes a functional model written in Python.
The sha1 design is divided into the following sections.
- src/rtl - RTL source files
- src/tb - Testbenches for the RTL files
- src/model/python - Functional model written in python
- doc - documentation (currently not done.)
- toolruns - Where tools are supposed to be run. Includes a Makefile for building and simulating the design using Icarus Verilog
The actual core consists of the following files:
- sha1_core.v - The core itself with wide interfaces.
- sha1_w_mem.v - W message block memort and expansion logic.
The top level entity is called sha1_core. This entity has wide interfaces (512 bit block input, 160 bit digest). In order to make it usable you probably want to wrap the core with a bus interface.
Unless you want to provide your own interface you therefore also need to use a top level wrapper. There is one wrapper provided:
- sha1.v - A wrapper with a 32-bit memory like interface.
The core (sha1_core) will sample all data inputs when given the init or next signal. the wrappers provided contains additional data registers. This allows you to load a new block while the core is processing the previous block.
This core is supported by the FuseSoC core package manager and build system. Some quick FuseSoC instructions:
Install FuseSoC
pip install fusesoc
Create and enter a new workspace
mkdir workspace && cd workspace
Register sha1 as a library in the workspace
fusesoc library add sha1 /path/to/sha1
...if repo is available locally or... get the upstream repo
fusesoc library add sha1
Run tb_sha1 testbench
fusesoc run --target=tb_sha1 secworks:crypto:sha1
Run with modelsim instead of default tool (icarus)
fusesoc run --target=tb_sha1 --tool=modelsim secworks:crypto:sha1
Implementation results using Altera Quartus-II 13.1.
Altera Cyclone IV E
- EP4CE6F17C6
- 2913 LEs
- 1527 regs
- 107 MHz
Altera Cyclone IV GX
- EP4CGX22CF19C6
- 2814 LEs
- 1527 regs
- 105 MHz
Altera Cyclone V
- 5CGXFC7C7F23C8
- 1124 ALMs
- 1527 regs
- 104 MHz
Implementation results using ISE 14.7.
Xilinx Spartan-6
- xc6slx45-3csg324
- 1589 LUTs
- 564 Slices
- 1592 regs
- 100 MHz